Smells Like Teen Spirit

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"I brought you something." Ayato said, handing Thoma a small box of food.

"Oh, thank you!" Thoma said, reaching out for it before stopping himself. "Am... Am I allowed to directly accept food from a noble?" he asked, retracting his hand.

Ayato stifled his laugh, "Ah. Yes, it's considered rude if you don't."

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" he gasped, quickly taking the food, "Thank you so much!"

Ayato almost felt bad for what was about to transpire, but he couldn't help himself. He had long since discovered how fun it was to tease Thoma. He was so gullible about the most unexpected things. Ayato found it incredibly amusing.

They were inside Ayato's classroom, the class not yet started. It was just Thoma, Ayato, and a few early birds.

Thoma sat the food down on his desk, popping the box open with a curious gaze. The smell wafted to his nose and his eyes went wide, a slight grimace before he quickly wiped it away with a smile. "Oh, yum!"

Ayato, having caught his grimace, faced away from him, attempting to hide his smile. "Have a bite."

"Don't mind if I do!" he heard Thoma call from behind him.

There was a slight crunch, Thoma making an odd noise as the food hit his tongue. Ayato pressed his hand over his mouth, trying his hardest not to crack.

"H-how..." Ayato's voice was trembling with laughter, "How is it...?"

"De-" Thoma retched, "Delicious!"

Ayato couldn't take it anymore, he burst into laughter, loudly, the students in the classroom's attention snapping towards him as he howled, clutching onto his stomach, bent over his knees, tears in his eyes.

None of them had ever heard Ayato laugh before... especially not like this.

Thoma wiped the crumbs from his mouth with the back of his hand, watching Ayato spiral into a fit of laughter unlike he'd ever imagined.

Ayato finally recovered, dotting a finger against the teardrops on his lashes, quickly reaching forward and ruffling Thoma's hair. "Get to class."

Thoma sprung up from his seat with an 'oh!', collecting his things (including the box of food) before running out of the classroom.

Ayato watched him go with a smile, suddenly feeling the heat of his classmates' gazes. His smile disappeared and he whirled around, sitting rigidly at his desk, straight-faced.

He cleared his throat.

Thoma had called it 'delicious'. A smile spread across Ayato's face again at the thought. Thoma really was too nice for his own good.

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