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After working all morning, Mabel was eager to get out of her hotel room and see some more of the city. Harry had said he would meet her outside right after her work hours ended, and she wondered if he was actually going to show up. She wasn't too bothered either way. She had no issue with going sightseeing on her own, but it would be nice to receive some direction from somebody who had some familiarity with the area. Plus, she had to admit the prospect of making a new friend in her time here excited her.

When she walked out, no one was there. She had figured it was an unreliable way of making plans and wished she'd just taken down his contact information instead of trusting he'd just be waiting there for her after work. She didn't wait for long before she headed down towards the strip near the villa they were staying at. As she was making her way toward the shop she'd been eyeing the night before, a baby blue BMW that looked like it was straight out of a vintage catalog caught her eye. The driver made eye contact with her and she quickly realized it was Harry behind the wheel.

He slowed down in front of her, giving her a grin as he leaned over and opened the door for her. "You weren't going to wait for me?" He asked her, peering at her over the rim of his sunglasses. She gave him a shy smile as she got into the passenger seat then shook her head. "How was I supposed to know you were actually showing up?" She asked him, being sincere. It didn't seem unlikely in her mind that he would've forgotten or found something better to do with his day but she was pleasantly surprised that he'd actually meant it when he made the plans last night. 

"A bit cynical, huh?" He asked her with a laugh. She saw how it came off that way and she felt bad at the possibility of her coming off as rude although she was just being honest. "Sorry." She quickly apologized. "Don't be. But, just know, I always keep my word." He assured her, and she wondered if she actually meant that. Catching herself being cynical yet again, she realized his observation was right but she couldn't help herself. She wasn't used to making new friends, this was new territory for her and she wasn't sure what to expect from him. 

"Is this your car?" She asked him, taking a look at the interior. She hadn't rode in a car this old since she was a little girl spending the summer with her grandparents. She enjoyed the feeling of nostalgia it was providing her, it was a memory she hadn't thought about in awhile. "No, I just am borrowing it from a friend while I'm out here. I can't stand not being able to drive wherever I want." He responded and she nodded in response before gazing out to view outside the window. She wasn't sure if she would ever get used to how breathtaking it was there. 

Harry showed her around the town they were staying in, pointing out the places he had been to so far and giving her a quick review. She felt like she was with a true tour guide, taking in his opinions and making a mental note of where she'd be sure to patron in the next few days. "Do you have time?" He asked her after they'd driven around the area and she nodded. She had no other plans for the day and she was sure Ingrid would be tied up all day with Jared. He began driving down the road out of town without saying much else, and she wondered if she was always this enigmatic. 

As they continued to drive, Mabel couldn't help to feel like she was in a movie. Nothing around her seemed real, and it was a feeling she wished she could experience more frequently. She thought about her life in Boston and how mundane it felt in comparison. She decided to keep that type of thinking out of her mind for the day and just allow herself to just enjoy what was in the present. Thinking about her reality was taking away from her movie character moment.  

They drove into the city she recognized as the main city on the island from the little reading she'd done before coming. Although the town they were staying in was definitely still a touristy area, she could tell this was more than likely the place most people thought of when thinking of Mykonos. "Hungry?" Harry asked. "Absolutely." She answered with a quickness. She'd ate lunch while completing her work earlier but it was starting to become night time and her stomach was feeling past empty. 

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