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Mabel leaned her head on Ingrid's shoulder as they watched the band perform in front of them. It had been a fun day at the festival, they had been eating and drinking since they got there in the morning. At night, they were having local artists perform and Mabel had really been enjoying getting to experience some more of the culture. 

"So, did you have more fun today?" Mabel asked her and Ingrid nodded in response. She knew yesterday wasn't the best for Ingrid since she was taking the backhand to Jared's work duties but they'd been the ones to ditch him today. "So much fun." Ingrid said, giving Mabel's hand a squeeze. She could tell that was her way of showing her appreciation for Mabel sticking by her side all day. Mabel loved spending time with Ingrid, so it was really a win-win. 

She was glad she actually was getting to experience what brought them to Athens, too. It had been pretty interesting seeing the work that was put into marketing the festival. Although Ingrid and Mabel had been enjoying the part of the event that was catered to the consumers, Mabel felt like she was getting a sneak peak into Jared and Harry's work life. 

It was pretty awesome to her that they were able to put all this together. She had seen them a few times over the day, they'd seemed busy and overwhelmed each time along with others in their company. It definitely made sense considering how much was going on but she understood more what Ingrid wasn't super happy yesterday. She was glad to just be a patron here and not having to stress about anything in the way they were. 

Someone took a seat next to her, and she looked over to see Harry. She gave him a smile and he returned the favor. "How was your day?" She asked him. It was the first chance she was getting to actually have a conversation with him and she was interested to hear about how he was feeling considering he didn't really seem super excited about being there when they discussed it the day before. "Lots of work. But, free food and drinks so." He answered with a shrug.

"Did they say anything about you skipping out on the first day?" She asked him. She couldn't imagine they would've just let it slide considering how busy they appeared all day so she wondered if Harry's absence had been an issue yesterday. She hoped not considering she was the one who he'd chose to spend it with over working. "Kind of. It's hard for anyone to really get upset about it when it's not a paid event so, the most they can do is be a little passive aggressive." He explained.

Although she knew it had been completely his choice to go with her yesterday, she still felt guilty. "I'm sorry." She apologized and he looked at her with a confused expression. "For what? You didn't even ask me to come with you yesterday. It was completely my choice and I'm happy with it." He said, making her guilt go away. He was right, he had been the one who wanted to go and she was also happy he came. She was sure if it was any sort of real issue then he wouldn't have done it. 

"Where's my husband?" Ingrid spoke up, looking directly at Harry for an answer. Mabel jumped slightly at the sudden sound of her voice, forgetting she was right there for a second. "Hello to you, too." Harry responded, smiling at Ingrid's straight-forward attitude. "Hello, Harry. Where is my husband?" Ingrid repeated, clearly only interested in finding Jared rather than entertaining Harry. Harry pointed towards a group of his colleagues conversing on the other side of the crowded area. "Thank you." Ingrid said before quickly getting up to go to Jared. 

"I don't think she likes me much." Harry said as she walked off and Mabel laughed. "That's just her." Mabel reassured him, shaking her head. She was positive Ingrid did enjoy having Harry around, otherwise she would've already said something about it. Ingrid was never shy to disapprove of new people in Mabel's life, she was protective over her like an older sister. Plus, she just had no type of tolerance for people who got on her nerves. 

"How was your day, though? Did you enjoy yourself?" He asked, circling back to their previous conversation. "I did, it was really fun. It was really cool to see all the work you guys put in." She responded. She was happy she was able to let him know that she had a good time considering he had a part in making that possible. "Ah, it was nothing." He said, dusting his shoulders off causing Mabel to smile. "Humble, aren't you?" She asked him. "Just a bit." He answered, smiling back at her.

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