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After Mabel finished work for the day, she wasn't sure what she should do with the rest of her time. She'd been out with Ingrid all week, exploring different parts of the city they were staying in. She was really starting to get comfortable here and was enjoying feeling like she was at home even if she wasn't. They'd gone out with Jared's coworkers for dinner and other activities as well throughout the week but she hadn't seen Harry. She almost felt like he was avoiding her but also wasn't trying to take it personally because she couldn't imagine what she could've done. 

She laid down on her bed, thinking about just taking the day to relax. She knew she should probably take advantage of every day she had here by doing something but she still had the whole summer left. She'd only been there over a week and felt like she'd already seen so much so perhaps a day of just doing nothing was needed. 

She found herself drifting off, waking up to it being dark out. Music from outside was echoing into her bedroom, making her want to actually go out after all. She got in the shower to wake herself up all the way before getting ready to set out for the night. Before leaving, she gave Ingrid's room a ring to see if she'd maybe want to join her. 

"I've been waiting for you to rescue me from this room." Ingrid said as she answered the phone, causing Mabel to laugh. She was honestly surprised that Ingrid wasn't already out with Jared but was happy to hear they were both having the same kind of day. "What do you want to do?" Mabel asked her, unsure of what they should get into. "I say let's just wing it and see what happens." Ingrid answered, and that sounded like a great plan to Mabel.

The two of them met at the front of the villa before heading down the street where all the action was at. As they got closer to the music, they realized it was coming from the beach and it seemed as if there was some kind of event happening. Ingrid raised her eyebrows at Mabel, and Mabel gave her a nod then they headed towards the beach. When they got down to the event, it wasn't clear what exactly was going on but everyone seemed to be having fun which was the overall goal for the night. 

"Want a drink?" Ingrid asked her and Mabel nodded in response. She'd been doing a lot of drinking since she'd been here, nearly everything she did involved drinking in some way but it was vacation so she felt it was appropriate. "So, where's Jared tonight?" Mabel asked her, taking note of his absence. "Working late. They have some big project or some shit." Ingrid explained, and Mabel felt it gave her some clarity on why she hadn't seen too much of Harry this past week. 

"Girl's night." Mabel said, clinking her glass against Ingrid's. They had been spending most of their time alone together since Jared had work during the day, but this was the first time they'd actually gone out just the two of them at night. 

"Maybe not." Ingrid said, staring off in the distance behind Mabel. She turned around to see what was looking at and caught sight of Harry. He was talking and laughing with a gentleman by the bar area, looking as handsome as ever in what appeared to be his work clothes. His eyes caught her's, and she gave him a soft smile in acknowledgement. He smiled back, keeping his gaze on her as he said goodbye to his friend and began to approach the two girls.

"What a surprise to see the two of you here." He greeted them, raising his glass as he spoke. "I think we can say the same for you. What's going on here anyways?" Ingrid asked him. No one had questioned their presence yet but it still wasn't apparent why all these people had gathered there. "It's an engagement party. I never would thought of you as party crashers." He answered with a chuckle. Mabel slightly felt bad for intruding but she figured that if it was supposed to be an intimate event, someone would've already escorted them back to the town. 

"How do you know the couple?" Mabel asked him, curious as to how he ended up here himself. It was rather coincidental they just happened to crash the party he was at tonight, but she was grateful that she was able to see him. "The man I was just speaking with is the groom, he actually owns the restaurant that we ate at the other day. So, basically I just eat too much and got acquainted with the owners." He explained. "Ah, glutoney. It really brings people together." Ingrid joked in response, making the three of them laugh. 

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