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"Fucking finally." Ingrid said as they got off the ferry, putting her sunglasses on to try and combat the blazing sun that was now coming down on them. They had spent the past few hours travelling to Athens, and it definitely had been far from a luxurious trip. Mabel didn't care about how long it had taken or how they'd gotten there, she was just happy to be there. She had always learned about Athens in school and it was so exciting to finally see it in person.

"Your endless positivity is my favorite thing about you." Jared joked, putting his arm around his wife. "Aw, thanks babe." Ingrid responded, taking his teasing as sincerity causing Mabel laugh quietly to herself. She wasn't going to burst Ingrid's bubble that Jared was definitely being sarcastic.

After the rest of the group that had came with them made their way out of the ferry, Harry caught up to Mabel. Nearly Jared's whole department had came to Athens this weekend because there was a festival going on that the company was doing some advertising for. Mabel was just happy that she had the opportunity to come along.

"What are you most excited for?" Harry asked her, and she had to ponder it for a minute. She had always loved hearing stories from Greek history mythology so she was excited to see some pieces of it in real life. "The Parthenon. What about you?" She said, and he shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just going to bother you all day." He answered with a smile and she rolled her eyes playfully at him. She was admittedly going to enjoy the company, she had been prepared to be going off on her own while everybody else was at the festival.

"Meet back up at the hotel before dinner?" Ingrid asked her before they parted ways and Mabel agreed. She was sure she could get in plenty of sight seeing before then. She and Harry got onto a tour bus that led to Acropolis and showcased some other historical landmarks on the way there. She listened intently, a lot of it she remembered learning in school but seeing it in real life was an incomparable experience.

She looked over at Harry sitting beside her, wondering if he was completely bored out of his mind. He looked engaged as the tour guide was speaking to them, following the direction of her hand's as she referenced different buildings. It was nice to see he seemed to actually be enjoying it as much as she was.

When they got to Acropolis, they loaded off the bus and Mabel felt like she was nearly going to pass out from the beauty in front of her. It was so amazing to think how long it had been around and the amount of people who have passed through there since it was first built. "Wow." Harry said, stepping beside her as they both gazed at the momentum in front of them. "Right?" She agreed, grinning at him.

"Are you not obligated to be at the festival right now?" She asked him as they continued to walk around and sightsee. "Eh, maybe it would've been good etiquette but it wasn't like I was getting paid to go." He responded with a chuckle. She laughed with him, shaking her head at him. She appreciated the honesty. "It might've been more entertaining." She told him.

Although Harry genuinely seemed like he was enjoying himself now, she was sure that there was more action going on back with the rest of the department. "I prefer this, honestly." He replied, shaking his head. She definitely agreed with him. She had almost decided to go to the festival over sightseeing just to avoid being alone but she was glad she'd made the choice to do what she'd wanted. She couldn't imagine missing out on seeing this. Especially now that Harry had joined her.

"You get me." She said and he gave her a smile in response. She felt like they genuinely enjoyed doing the same things. It was always a nice time when they were together and she appreciated that she didn't feel like she was dragging him along with her. "I like to think so, too." He told her and she smiled back at him.

After they finished up at the Parthenon and the surrounding temples, they were bussed to the museum. Mabel was looking forward to seeing all the art and other historical archaeology that was on display. She thought for a moment how she wished her mom could've been there to see it with her. It felt good to know that she probably would be proud to know that Mabel was there.

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