Chapter 2

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Chase's POV

Chase lay face down on his bed again. A slight glitchy sound emitted from behind him, coming from the corner of the room. Chase sat up, facing the empty corner.

"I know you're there Anti."

Anti glitched into view, letting off a small green aura. He walked over to Chase, sitting next to him on the bed.

"What is it this time?" Chase asked, sighing.

"Nothinnn..." Anti said, smirking.

"Then what's the smile for?" Chase asked, suspicious.

Anti grinned, falling back onto the bed.


Anti squealed like a fanboy, sitting back up.

"Ahhhh, you should've seen you and Henrik last niiight!" Anti said, grinning.


"I mean, technically you saw it, you were there after all, but does it really count?" Anti said, ignoring his brother.


"Nah, it doesn't count. If you don't remember it, it shouldn't count." Anti reasoned, oblivious to the fact that Chase had said anything.


"Oh. Yeah?" Anti said, looking at Chase.

"What happened??" Chase asked, exasperated.

Anti grinned, glitching a bit, and recapped the story.

Chase blushed, hiding his face in a pillow.

"Ooooh, I totally ship you twooo!" Anti sang, grinning again.

"Noooo, stahp!" Chase whined, voice muffled by the pillow.

Anti giggled, "I'm gonna tell Dark!"

"Ah! Don't tell him!" Chase cried, pulling his face out of the pillow, still blushing.

"I- I don't even like him like that!"

"Oh, but maybe you do!" Anti teased, then yelped and glitched away when Chase threw a pillow at him.

"Okay! Okay! Maybe you don't, but at least I cheered you up!" Anti's voice said in Chase's head.

Chase rolled his eyes, realizing Anti was right.

"Okay, Imma come back later, and you'd better not be still here." Anti said, glitching back.

Chase sighed.

Anti pulled his younger twin into a hug before Chase even had time to register what was happening.

"Antiii, stooop!" Chase whined again, trying to push Anti away. But the demon was stronger than him, so Chase gave up, falling limp in Anti's arms.

"You're so weird." Anti said, finally releasing Chase from the hug and glitching away.

Chase found himself smiling. A quiet knock sounded at the door, and Chase hopped off the bed and moved to open it.

"Oh! Um.. H-hi Chase! I didn't sink you vere actually going to open zhe door." Henrik said, surprised.

Chase smiled slightly. "Hey, thanks for putting up with me these last few weeks. I- I'm sorry I've been like this..."

"Chase, you don't need to apologize, I get it." Henrik said.

"Well... thanks for letting me stay here at least." Chase said, pushing his bangs out of his eyes.

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