Chapter 6

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Chase's POV

Chase hesitantly made his way down the stairs. It was the middle of the night and the house was blanketed in silence, save for the slight creaking the stairs made that echoed through the house like a shot. The blackness of the night pressed in around Chase so hard he felt like he was suffocating.

Finally he made it to the bottom and he let out the breath he had been holding.

Chase was about to head into the kitchen to grab a snack of some sort, but noticed a thin beam of light streaking the floor.

Is Hen still up? Chase wondered, slowly following the light like a path. For some odd reason, he thought of The Stanley Parable Adventure Line, and he almost laughed. "Nice fern." He muttered to himself as he neared the end of the trail of light.

The light path he had been following originated from a mostly closed door, the door to Henrik's office, the beam of light shooting from the narrow crack.

Chase carefully pushed the door open, seeing Henrik asleep at his desk, head resting on a pile of papers.

Chase smiled, walking over to Henrik and laid his hand on Henrik's shoulder.

At Chase's gentle touch, Henrik sat up, yawning. "Hallo Chase..." He muttered, rubbing his eyes.


"Hey Hen. You ok?" Chase replied.

"Hm? Ja..." Henrik said, voice thick with sleep.

"Want to come upstairs?"

"Nein, I have to finish zhis.."

"No you don't," Chase said, setting his hand on top of the papers. "You need to sleep."

Henrik sighed, resigning, clearly too tired to argue. He pushed himself up from the desk and Chase grabbed his hand, leading him upstairs, thoughts of a snack forgotten.

Chase brought Henrik to his room, leading him all the way to his bed, and he turned, walking back to his room as he heard Henrik getting into his bed.


Chase stopped in the doorway, hearing Henrik's quiet voice.

"Yeah?" He asked without turning around.

"Vould you stay?"

Chase flushed red, turning back around, "I- Ah-" He stammered nervously, "O- ok..."

He made his way over to the bed, slowly climbing under the covers, his breathing shaky as his heart pounded in his chest. Henrik gently wrapped his arms around Chase's torso and snuggled into Chase's chest, his breathing slowing as he drifted off to sleep. Taking a slow breath in and calming his thumping heart, Chase loosely wrapped his own arm over Henrik's side, closing his eyes.


Chase slowly slid out of bed, quietly falling to the floor in his effort not to wake Henrik. He stood quickly, his face red as he glanced at the still asleep Henrik. Chase shook his head, taking a quick breath, and left the room, trotting down the stairs to the kitchen. He didn't know what he was doing downstairs, he just needed to get away from Henrik so he could think properly again.

"I guess I'll make breakfast..." Chase muttered to himself out loud, sighing to himself as he made a mental list of pancake ingredients.

"Who're you talking to?" A voice behind Chase asked.

Chase squeaked and spun around, his breathing quick in his chest, "Anti! What the fuck?!"

Anti blushed out of embarrassment, "Hah, s- sorry Chase..."

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