Chapter 5

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Chase's POV

"Anti...?" Chase asked quietly, slowly stepping towards his twin, placing himself between Anti and Henrik. "Are- What- Is that your blood?"

Anti glanced down at his body as if he just realized his black t-shirt was soaked with the dark red liquid. "What? No. Chase, help me... I did something super bad..."

"Anti... What did you do..?" Chase asked, deathly calm.

"I-" Anti faltered. "I- I'll just... show you. Don't... don't go anywhere." He said, looking around the room they were in as if someone was coming for him.

Anti glitched away, leaving behind a few small black and green pixels.

"...Vhat vas zhat?" Henrik asked, sounding strangely calm.

"Which part? The kiss or whatever the fuck is up with Anti?" Chase asked, not sure if he was joking or not.

"Mostly Anti." Henrik said, and Chase finally turned to face him.

"That is an excellent question, one that I don't want to know the answer to." Chase said, rubbing his face with his hands.

The sound of Anti's glitching returned, Chase turned around and gasped.

Anti was holding a limp body, blood dripping down steadily from the fingertips, creating a small puddle.

Anti carefully set the body down on the floor, stepping back, tears running down his cheeks.

Chase stepped up to the body, kneeling down next to it.

He gasped again, tearing up slightly.

"Anti... Is this.. Is this Stacy...?" He asked, looking up at Anti, voice barely above a whisper.

When his brother didn't answer, Chase turned to Henrik.

Henrik moved up next to Chase, and Chase stood.

"Anti, why?" He whispered, making eye contact with the Glitch.

"I-" Anti started, breaking eye contact and looking to the floor, glitching like crazy.

"Chase," Henrik interrupted, studying Stacy, "Her injuries aren't fatal, I sink I can help her."

Chase nodded.

"Vhy don't you take Anti to get cleaned up while I tend to her?" He suggested, gesturing to the blood soaked Anti.

Chase nodded again, walking up to Anti and grabbing his twin's hand, despite the sticky red blood coating it. "Come on, you can borrow some of my clothes or something."

Anti wiped his eyes with his other hand, smearing blood onto his cheeks.

Chase basically pulled Anti upstairs, as apparently Anti's legs weren't working very well.

Chase led Anti into his room and grabbed some clothes for Anti to change into.

"Bathroom's over there." Chase said, pointing to the door, setting the clothes on his bed. "We'll talk about this later." He said, not mad, just kind of numb.

Chase left the room and headed back downstairs to check on Henrik and Stacy.

"...Hen?" He called, stepping to the last stair.

"In here." Henrik's voice carried from his office.

Chase followed Henrik's voice and stepped into the office.

Stacy was laid out on a table, Henrik bent over her.

"You doing ok?" Henrik asked, stitching up one of the many gashes.

I Love YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora