Chapter 4

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Chase's POV

"Hey, thanks for helping me film that bro!" Jackie said, grinning as he rewatched the footage on Chase's vlog camera.

Chase was barely paying attention, he was thinking about the stupid-ass move he pulled back at home.

"Mmhmm." He muttered.

"You doin ok?" Jackie asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah." Chase said, shaking his head to try and get rid of his thoughts.

"Anyway, I should get going. Bye Jackie, tell Marv I said hi."

Jackie flashed a smile and a thumbs up.

"It was nice seeing you again bro." Chase said, gently packing up his camera and putting it into his backpack.

"Yeah!" Jackie said cheerfully, full of energy as usual.

Chase smiled faintly, his mind flashing back to a few hours ago again.

"Bye!" Chase called as he walked to his car, turning back to Jackie to wave.

Jackie waved back, pulling up the hood on his red hoodie and shot into the sky.

Chase laughed faintly, opening the driver's side door, climbing into the car and setting his bright pink backpack on the passenger seat.

He groaned, then froze in case Jackie was still close enough to hear him with his super hearing.

A few seconds passed, and the hero showed no hint of returning.

Chase sighed, leaning forward and hitting his forehead on the steering wheel a few times.

He sighed again, sitting back in the car seat.

Chase quietly unlocked the front door to Henrik's house and carefully shut it behind him, hoping Henrik didn't hear. The light had dimmed significantly during Chase's drive home, and the living room was lit by a gentle orange glow, making it hard to see.

He slowly walked upstairs, set his backpack on his bed and headed back downstairs.

Chase went to the fridge and started looking for something to drink, freezing as he heard something coming from the front door. He slowly shut the refrigerator, hearing the front door open and close, and he peeked his head around the corner.

"Hen? Is that you?" Chase called quietly, stepping out into the open.

"Yeah, it's me." Henrik said, walking through the living room to Chase.

"Oh, h- hi Hen." Chase stuttered, blushing red and looking down to the floor.

"How vas Jackie?" Henrik asked, opening the fridge and grabbing a drink himself.

"Hm? Oh, Jackie was good, we had fun." Chase said, lifting his head to look at Henrik.

Just pretend what happened this morning didn't happen.

Henrik was talking, but stopped when he noticed Chase was zoning out and staring into space.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked, gently shaking Chase's shoulder.

"Hm? What?" Chase asked, snapping back into reality.

"Are you ok?" Henrik repeated, looking slightly concerned as he watched his friend carefully.

"Oh, yeah, I- I'm ok. Sorry." Chase said, flushing red.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I was.. thinking." Chase replied.

Henrik tilted his head to the side, trying to determine if Chase was lying or not.

"Hey," Chase said abruptly, trying to distract himself from how cute Henrik looked like that. "Do you maybe want to go to a movie on Saturday again?"

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