Chapter 5.

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It's getting late. The group had to disband. Rui took back his phone and exited the Wonderland SEKAI. When he arrived home, he turned on the lights in his room and layed down on the bed feeling exhausted.

A few moments after he layed down, his phone rang. He quickly snatched it from the other side of the bed and saw the numbers. It was the number that Saki had gave him. In other words, Tsukasa's numbers. He then clicked on the pick up option.

"Hello-" a voice started the conversation.

"Tsukasa-kun, are you alright!?" Rui's voice interrupted the other side's.

"R- Rui!?"

"Thank goodness! You're alright!" Rui said in joy while tears start to run down on his face.

Tsukasa noticed the sobbing noises.

"Rui, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I'm not! Where were you the whole day!?" Rui was taking this situation seriously.

"...helping my neighbor?.."

"Heck no! Why for an entire day!?"


"Answer me."

"Okay but. First things first, why are you acting so worried? It's not like I'm the love of your life. Second of all, it's an important reason! A family.. reason.."

"It's because... I love you...." Rui thought he made himself clear to Tsukasa. But he didn't know that his tone wasn't loud enough for the blond boy to hear it.

"Because what?"

"I just told- nevermind... Goodnight, Tenma-san."

"Tenma-san?..-" Rui hung up before Tsukasa could continue.

The next day, seeing Tsukasa at school made Emu happy. She jumped and pulled Tsukasa by his collar.

"Tsukasa-kun! Tsukasa-kun! Where were you yesterday?" Emu asked him with a hyped voice as always.

"I... couldn't care less..." Nene spoke.

"Family reasons. Emu let me go! I'm going to choke if you keep pulling!" Tsukasa said while trying to shake Emu's hand off.

They were talking again. When meeting him again, Nene doesn't have a nice look on her face. It's like she wasn't happy when Tsukasa appeared again.

"Well well, look who we have here. A Tsukasa Tenma finally arrived." Rui suddenly appeared.

"Says the one who screamed my name over the phone yesterday." Tsukasa frowned.

"Rui-kun did what!?" Emu shouted while staring at Rui.

Suddenly, a student came approaching.

"Hi, you're Kamishiro Rui right? A teacher is in need of you, Kamishiro-sempai."

"Ah. Yes, I am. Welp, see you guys at lunch." Rui then walked away with the student.

They all stared at Rui blankly as he left. They had nothing to do aswell. Nene and  Emu left together as usual. Tsukasa was left alone. Well there's nothing he can do. He decided to visit Toya.

Seeing Tsukasa from afar, Toya was happy to see his favorite sempai still fine.

"Tsukasa-sempai, although I see you everyday but this is the first time in 2 months we've talked." Toya spoke first.

"Ah, yes. Been a while, Toya!"

"But Tsukasa-sempai, I've got a question.."

"Oh? What is it?" Tsukasa replied to Toya with a serious face.

"After college, are you still planning to perform at Phoenix Wonderland?"

Tsukasa was confused. All Toya asked was just about his shows at Phoenix Wonderland?

"About that, I'm sure my friends would love to-"

"I don't think they do." Toya interrupted Tsukasa.

"What do you mean, Toya?"

"You'll see for yourself once college ends. Their true faces."

"Toya, it's not nice to joke like that.."

"And who said I was joking? I do look up to you a lot. But for this time stop being so stubborn and figure out yourself!"


"Tsukasa-sempai, I don't mean to hurt you but they aren't the people you should trust. They all just act 'nice' around you to get reputation easier. What's that? Silence. I've got it didn't I?"

"Toya, I'm not sure if I should trust you either."

"Then see it for yourself."

The conversation ended. Tsukasa was mad. His precious underclassman was not the old person he knew. Tsukasa just went to class like nothing happened.

At lunch, Tsukasa stayed quiet. Seems like Emu and Rui were discussing about something.

"Rui-kun, I've never heard of your parents. You probably live alone right now so why not sign up for dorms? You can meet new friends!"

"I will consider it if my parents doesn't come home next year. What about you Tsukasa-kun?"

Emu also turned to look at Tsukasa.

"Tsukasa-kun? What's with the sad face?" Emu asked.

"It's nothing. I will also consider moving in if my parents could make it to take care of Saki or visit home more often. But for now living alone is quite sad so I might aswell sign up next year."

Tsukasa never looked up. All the entire time he did was look into his lunch box.

[These memories, cannot go like that.. What if Toya was right and!?... maybe I'm over thinking.. they would never..]

Tsukasa had fallen deep into his thoughts. Emu had to shook him awake.

"Tsukasa-kun!~~~~ Why are you spacing out so often today?" Emu looked at Tsukasa and ask him.

"No really, it's nothing."

Rui got suspicious of him. He slapped Tsukasa once.

"Tsukasa-kun! Stop being a big baby and tell us! What's so hard of telling the truth!? You think you can get away with those lies?!" Rui yelled in the blond boy's face.

"Ouch... that really hurt. Con- Control yourself.." Tsukasa, for the first time Rui and Emu saw his face as weak as a small leaf that could be torn at anytime.

"Rui-kun... that's not you.. you wouldn't do that to him.." Emu spoke up being worried for Tsukasa.

Most people don't eat lunch on the rooftop so there was only about 3 - 4 witnesses. Rui looked down to his hand, horrified.

[This... is not how I.. treat the person I love.. Why am I doing this? Why am I forcing him..]

Rui then held his hands up to cover his ears. Tsukasa was afraid of Rui for now so he also ran back to class. Maybe Rui needs to learn how to self-control himself.

●End of Chapter 5.

■To Be Continued in Chapter 6■

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