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At sadiest party.

„Shouldnt he be here by now?" Noah says inpatiantely.

„Yeah, maybe hes lost? Should i call him?" I ask worriedly.

„Yeah" sadie says getting more popcorn out the cupbords and passing it onto caleb who is setting them up and putting in the microwave.

I take my phone and go outside the hotels door looking around the hallways walking down them.

„Pick up man" i mumble and like on queue he picks up.

„Sorry sorry im coming" he says, i hear rustling around „are you still at home?"

„No no im at the shop" he says panicking, „why you at the shop?" i knot my eyebrows together in confusion.

„To get you guys sweets or whatever, Isnt everyone getting something?" The rustling stops, „uh no? We already have the popcorn, anyways do you want me to stay outaide the hotel and wait for you?" „Yes please" he says and the rustliny starts over again with a beep.

I end the call and open the door to sadies flat „guys in gonna go wait for him outside" sadie just shouts ‚alright' and i close the door walking down the hallway and down the stairs.

Waiting outisde in the cold as its dark a figure comes to me with a white bag.

He has short curly hair with what seems like a receeding hairline but it suits him and his puppy eyes look up at me.

His left hand takes over the bag and his right shoots up towards me, i shake his hand and we greet eachother.

„Hi im Joe, short for Joseph" he smiles.

„Hi im y/n" i smile looking at the bag.

„Ok well lets go in" i say looking back at his eyes as he nods in agreement.

He presses the button for the elevator and i widen my eyes, he was probably watching me because he tapped my shoulder and asked if im alright „uhh yeah im not going on that" i say pointing to the elevator.

„Why not?" „Elevators can get stuck and they can fall or anything can happen its like a small box of bad luck you never know what might happen or the people you will be enclosed with, plus that shit is like 10 centimetres wide" i say walking up the stairs as he follows.

„Plus if it were to drop there is no way to survive, and its hot in there" i mumble in one breath.

„Ok yeah thats fine" he says walking behind me.

I knock on the door but noone opens it and i hear loud music.

„Omg, did they forget about us?" i ask noone.

„Call them" he said „good idea".

I call them but noone picks up, we have been knocking for about 10 minites now and no anwser.

Joseph is now leaning on the wall with his head back and looking at the ceiling.

I take a good look at him, he is a very attractive man i cant lie, with a soft jawline and nice figure, his hands are hella hot and hes taller than me by about 3 feet? Or something like that.

I snap put of the thought of him and sit on the ground leaning against the door „well were stuck out here huh?" I scoff closing my eyes, i hear rustling again and the bag drops, i feel a leg brush up against me.

I open my eyes to Joseph sitting next to me hes looking forward probably thinking about his wife or something, damn lucky her.

„So how old are you?" I ask bored.

Joseph Quinn x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now