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I woke up in a daze looking around, a pillow was thrown on the floor and a heavy hand on my waist as hot breath trickled down my neck.

I quickly turned round and saw the new boy in deep slumber, he looked peacefull until he started to awake and flip around.

He grabbed the blanket and pulled it off of me towards him, since my bed is big and my blanket not, concidering its usually only 1 person sleeping under it, i was exposed.

„Wow" i mumbled pulling the blanket back towards me laying the opposite direction.

Instead of fighting he backed up towards me until our backs were touching and he pulled the blanket over us so were both warm.

Then he quickly shot up and started to apologize „sorry i thought i was at home, uhh ill go" he pointed to the door, „what? Go back to sleep its too early for this" i groand drowning my face back into the pillow.

„I mean if you really want to go home at 6am and risk waking up Millie then go on" i mumbled from the pillow.

I think he was quite scared of Millie because he went back to bed.

-time skip after 3 weeks-

I walk downstairs to seeing Millie up at 5am because today were shooting season 4, my character was going to be with Joseph, Gaten, Joe and the rest of the adults.

I grab a cookie and a bowl pouring milk into it „what are you doing?" Millie says grabbing my wrist thats holding the milk.


„What do you mean what? Your pouring milk first, its cereal first then milk" she says pulling my wrist down to put down the milk.

„Millie its 5am its not that deep, please, take a rest" rolling my eyes i finish making cereal and sitting down on the small island.

„Im so tired y/n" millie says sitting next to me and putting her head down looking up at me as i eat.

As we get on set many staff members greet us, and once we get to the cast members Millie lets go of my hand and runs over to Noah hugging him and walking off leaving me behind, guess my time limits up haha.

Joseph waves me over while they put his wig on, „oh damn your looking good Eddiee" i tease, over the 3 weeks me and Joseph actually got really close, even though he is like 5 years older than me i might of kind of developed a crush? I dont know but something about his eyes, i know ill never have a chance with him but im alright with that.

„Thanks" he says before another artist walks up to me and calls me over to do my makeup „alright bye eddie munson" i say with a smile and a wave as he does the same „bye bye"

Once they do my makeup the first scene is when they first introduce Eddie.

Im not in the scene because i graduated but i can stil watch, then at 2pm me and Steves scene comes up where we are working with Robin at the film store and Dustin runs in talking about how he needs to use our phones.

Watching Joseph act was amazing! Hes such a good actor and hes honestly so good at playing Eddie, its like eddie is a part of him now.

We had an hour long break so Joseph asked if i want to eat burritos with him so i agreed.

We sat down in one of the cafeterias that they offered and ate, it was pretty weird seeing Joseph with a wig though i cant lie.

Joseph Quinn x fem!readerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα