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I wake up my head pulsing and sweating, my leg on top of Josephs and Axel sleeping on my neck taking good use of my heat.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom as Axel followed me tiredly, he watched me pee and wash my teeth, by the time i was brushing my hair he went back to Joseph and fell asleep on his chest.

I was in the kitchen eating cereal when i felt hands wrap around my shoulders and squeeze me lightly kissing my neck.

"Goodmorning love" Josephs raspy voice says pulling away and getting his own bowl.

He sits next to me as he eats and side eyes me "you alright?" Hus head tilts looking at my face, i open my eyes looking back up at him "hm? Yeah im fine" i finish eating my cereal and put my bowl in the sink for the cleaner to wash up.

I sit back down looking at jo eat, "ypur pretty when your tired" he says "hm? Really?" I mumble tiredly resting my face on my hand "i dont feel well" i say closing my eyes a bit, im sweaty and my stomach hurts.

Jo furrows his brows and puts his cold hand on my forehead "god your hot"

"Haha i know i am" i wink and smile joking around as he puts his bowl away and grabs my hand pulling me onto the couch.

"Ill make you kisiel"

"Since when do you know Polish food?" I say looking over to the kitchen where he gets a packet and a cup.

"Since we started meeting?" He says like its the most obvious thing in the world.


Joseph rip the packet and puts a little bit of the pink powder in the cup adding a bit of cold water mixing the small substance until the water in the kettle boils and pours it in slowly while pouring the powder at the same time and stiring it with a spoon for 15 minutes.

He hands it over and goes upstairs to get a blanket, he drapes it over me and himself hugging into me.

„Your probably sick" he whispers leaning on my shoulder.

„thank you" i say sipping on the kisiel and handing it to him "mm?"

"No thanks" he says pushing it Away slightly "alright, more for me then".

After we both fell asleep until 2pm.

(Wait i just forgot doesnt Millie live with us?)

We got woken up with a harsh tap and Millie stern look.

"Get up love birds" she shoves us apart and sits in between us.

Joseph walks over to my side and sits next to me getting comfurtable under the blanket again.

"Rude" he whispers into my ear that make me giggle.

Millie turns on the tv and leans on my shoulder as we all watched all of the pitch perfect movies.

Really short chapter cuz im tired.

Joseph Quinn x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now