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Today we were recording the last Scene for s4 voL1and it was going to release in 1 week.

It was very exciting, after it goes air we were going to have to do tons of interviews with Joseph the new character and Jamie.

Im not best friends with Jamie but we have talked before stranger things so i guess that makes us closer than everyone alse? Basically he went to my primary school and bullied me, but were good now lol.

The first interview we had to do was a random skype interview with Natalia, Maya, Joe and Joseph.

And then a Puppy interview where its going to be me maya, joe and joseph.

The last scene was actually really fun to record just knowing that its the last till a well deserved break, me and Joseph decided to celebrate this by going bunjeejumping.

Millie and Noah are coming too because they said they were brave, that quickly faded when we got to the top and Noah started screaming like a girl and Millie was shaking.

I didnt really care honestly, Joseph clearly did though because he kept hugging me, he kept saying how hes just trying to comfort me but in secret we all knew he was the one who needed comforting.

"Ready?" The guy said as he held the chain on my back "ready" i repeated as he counted down "3, GO!"

"BITCH YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO COUNT TO ONE" I screamed as Josephs laugh faded and i rapidly fell to the ground, right when i was about to hit it the rope pulled me back up and it felt like i was in the air but my stomach still at the bottom.

The scariest bit defienetly be being pulled back up, because you cant get off at the bottom you have to wait like 5 minutes until they pull you all the way back up.

Then it was Josephs turn "you can do it Joe" i patted his back as he whimpered "mmmm no i dont wanna do it" he turned around to hug me but instead i pushed him away and the guy pushed him over the edge making him scream really hard because he thought he wasnt strapped in.

"Y/N IM GONNA KILL YOU" he screamed from the bottom, he must've screamed really loud for me to be able to hear that from up here.

Once they pulled him up i ran down the stairs as fast as i could as he ran after me, i then ran out to the road grabbing Millie's hand and dragging her away from Joseph as him and Noah chased us.

"MILLIE RUNNN" i screamed pointing to the right, so we split up, Noah ran after Millie who was laughing like a maniac while i ran straight.

Running into our road a bunch of cameras got pushed into my face.

"Y/n y/n we got a few questions can you please anwser them?" A bunch of men started screaming my name, instead of running away i stood there, Joseph ran round the sharp corner and right into me grabbing my hips to stop himself.

"Oh, bad timing" he said sheepishly still holding onto my hips from behind.

"We should run" i said turning around and pushing his chest as he grabs my hand and we start to run, i flip off the paprazzi as they started chasing us.

"Wheres your hotel?!" I asked over all the flashing of cameras "uhh down here" he said and we turned sharply loosing the paparazzi for a second before they showed up again but this time we ran into the lobby of Josephs hotel and right into his room.

We catch our breath as Joseph leans against his door with wide eyes "woah" he said "ive never been chased by paparazzi before"

"Yeah, well, i have, like MULTIPLEEE times, their so fucking annoying" i said walking further into his hotel "this way" he pointed to a door, i walked in to a clean room with a double king bed.

Joseph Quinn x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now