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Stranger things S4 Vol one has finally released and everyone seemed to be simping for the new characters, Eddie Munson and 001.

What a switch up, Joseph went from the bald middle aged man to the cute puppy eyed guy.

My whole fyp on tiktok was full of Eddie Munson edits, i cant lie its amazing seeing your boyfriend be edited, because lets be real hes hot with and without the wig.

After finishing the first interview we were going to do the puppy one, i love dogs so i was really excited.

We went in and sat on the floor, Joseph, me, natalia and joe on the right.

They said a few rules and that millie and Noah already came earlier.

They let out the puppies and i instantly grabbed a black puppy sitting him on my crossed legs closing him in and rubbing his belly as he kept trying to lick my hands.

Joseph had his tongue out and smiling whole natalia was anwsering her question.

"Y/n how was it adapting to a new character?"

"Uhm, i would say easy, all i needed was to get to know Joseph and a bit more about his character you know?" I said casually looking ad Joseph as he tries grabbing a puppy but he runs away.

I ignore it with a giggle and keep playing with my puppy that seems to really like me.

"Joseph we saw that you have taken on much popularity, how are you dealing with that?"

"Its amazing, really thankfull to everyone, you can never really guess how popular the character you play will get so it was pretty stressfull at first but y/n and the others showed much support so it was really easy" he ended with a smile and tried petting another puppy but it ran away playing with the others.

I laughed and put the dog i've been playing with on his lap, it squirmed a bit but eventually warmed up and started jumping on his chest and licking his chin.

Joseph leans in slightly brushing his lips against my ear "thanks" and winks which makes me blush and take another puppy.

The puppy i had ran away so i turned back to my one that Joseph was now rubbing noses with and making baby noises, i lean my head on his shoulder and pet the puppies back.

„we should take him" i whisper, he nods continuing in his baby voice.

After a few questions we ended the interview and i walked up to the director „these puppies are going for adoption right?" I ask and he nods with a smile while looking at some papers.

„So would it be possible if i could adopt one?" I said sheepishly and boldly, he looks at me stunned „you want to take a puppy?"

„Uhh ye?"

„Alright? which one?"

„Theres this little black one that me and Joseph played with"

„He seemed really interested with you two, you guys a thing?" He says walking to the backroom waving for me to follow.

„Noo no" i smile rolling my eyes knowing that im lying.

„Alrighttt" he grabs the black puppy from the crate and putting him in my arms.

„Theres a few papers you would need to sign"

„Alright" i look around as he scrambles from some papers, once he gives them to me i sign and smile taking the puppy to my car.

„Hello buddy" i put him into the chair next to me, this was such an impulsive thing to do omg Joseph is gonna kill me... i didnt even tell him?!

Hey where
Are you?


Which shop?

Uhh target..
Uh alright, ill be
There in 5

Wait no no
Dont go


Im not actually
There 😬

Where are
You then? Or we could just
Meet at my flat.

Just... see
You tomorrow?
Im really tired.

Oh, yea thats fine
See you tomorrow y/n


Gn joe.

That was a close one, how am i going to keep this puppy away from the public? I mean its just a puppy right it shouldnt be such a big deal.

I take the puppy into my big flat and it starts jumping around and exploring its new home, im going to name you.... Axel.

Like oxolotl kinda.

That night i didnt get much sleep, he kept jumping around on my bed and shuffling, bumping me awake.

In the end i decided to lock him out my room but he started crying so i let him back inside, he seemed tired enough to go to sleep and so did i.

I woke up to my face being covered in saliva, ewww, but he was already potty trained so i didnt have to wake up to pee puddles.

I went walmart and picked up the assentials, a dog bed, a leash, puppy food, a water bowl, a food bowl, random toys and went out to the park.

Putting her on a leash was hard at first because once i put it on she wouldnt move, but quickly adjusted to it, thank god.

No paparazzi but some fans took pictures thinking i wont see, took a selfie with a nice girl and went home.


Heyyyy, i found
A great movie to watch.

Coming over now.

With popcorn 😉


Yea, is it
Not the right time?

Is fine

Omg... ok ill just tell him the truth.

„Y/n what the fuck, you got a dog?"

„Look jo i saw him dirty and homeless on the street i couldnt just leave him"

„Wha- dont lie to me thats the same puppy from yesturday" he pointed as axel ran over to him and jumped on his leg.

„Come on joseph i have all the stuff for him, plus its not your dog, i signed the papers on my name"

„I know baby but this is a lot of responsibility are you sure you can handle it?" He goes in for a hug but i turn it down and furrow my eyebrows.

„You think i cant handle a puppy?"

„Thats not what im saying"

„Shut up and just make the popcorn" i swing my arm towards the kitchen and pick up axel turning the other way as joe sighs and listens.

Joseph Quinn x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now