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Disclaimer: There is a garden at Waddeson Manor. That much, to say the least, is true.  

Buckinghamshire, England, 1874  

The grandfather clock chimes out the time, which prompts a servant to brave coming into the room to wake up Baron Ferdinand. 

“Sire?” the servant asks. “Breakfast is ready.” 

“Let it be known I intend to make Waddeson Manor a place to enterain family and friends within the following years.” Ferdinand declares as the servants dress him. “You may applaud.” 

The servants oblige. 

“See the importance of having people listen to you? Say something noteworthy, you get applause.” 

Then the dressing resumes, he continues, “To a point, the land on this property will embody beauty from every single angle, at this wonderful chateau. You’ll do well to remember. They must love the landscape, and they must leave with the desire to stay. I command that no less than the finest masters of British landscaping will make this vision a reality, to where it will be forever immortalized as one of the finest examples of a garden in an unparalleled masterpiece.” 

Finally, as he’s finally fully dressed, he only says, “Heaven on Earth.”, and the servants promptly erupt in applause. 

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