Will is Made of Dreams and Bones, as a Spectator Watches Hungrily

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Will approaches Phileas’ house with his newest garden sketches in hand, and is met with a very surprised Phileas at the door.  

“Captain Charity.” Phileas greets him, however off guard he actually is, but Will is not here for pleasantries.  

“Forgive me for showing up unannounced, Mr. Fogg, but I was up all night reworking the plans.” Will tells him as he unrolls the papers.  

Intrigued, Phileas comes closer, as Will starts to explain,  

“If we add a reservoir, and put a fountain in the center of the flowers, we could transform the canvas into a living mosaic.”  

Phileas says nothing as he just keeps looking it over.  

“We don’t need it for anything else, so we can recycle it.” Will points to a point on the sketch. “The pressure will make it go back up to the start.”  

“And...” Will adds, pulling up another plan. “We also add a river, underground.”  

Phileas holds out a hand, “May I?”, to which Will replies, “Of course, Mr. Fogg.”  

But what they don’t see is the woman inside, watching from the window.  

Phileas picks up the plans, then says, “Thank you very much, Mr. Charity. I’ll be sure to look over every detail of this. Later.”  

Will can’t help but say, “My sincerest apologies, Mr. Fogg, if this ends up adding to the chaos instead of alleviating it.”  

“In my line of work, chaos is just par for the course.” Phileas replies. “When you work with good plants, you have to be ready for anything."  

They look at each other for one moment more, before Phileas steps back first, and walks back inside with Will’s newly drawn plans.  

And as Will watches him go, the woman in the window watches Will, before Will wisely decides to take his leave as well.  


It’s a full day of removing and burning branches, even as the other workers stop to gawk at the sight of Will getting his hands dirty.  

Together, they all help him move a little shack to the side, where Will can go over his designs in peace.  


As Will looks over the official one from Phileas, across the way, Phileas is looking at Will’s redesigns.  

“We waited over an hour.” his wife, Winifred, complains as she paces outside his office. “They’d all been monopolized by those....hooligans! And then we got the news a house had caught fire, and we were sure this would break the streak, but we were mistaken. It just kept right on going. The children were unharmed, so why not keep going?”  

Now she walks right in, as she keeps telling him, “She had the spirit, and everyone could see it, so they applauded her.”  

She turns, and upon seeing he hasn’t even looked up, she asks pointedly, “Phileas, what do you think of my dress?”  

And when that proves to be unsuccessful, she says more forcefully, “Phileas, have you even listened to a word I said?”  

“You look beautiful, as always.” Phileas says, still not looking up.  

“Just what in heaven’s name has you so invested you can’t be bothered to talk to your own wife?” Winifred demands, infuriated when he only replies, “Plans. Waddesdon.”  

Now Winifred comes to the desk, to see for herself. “Are those what that odd fellow brought to the house?”  

Now Phileas does look up, but only says, “Yes, they are.”, and chooses not to comment on the rest.  

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