Phileas Promises a Rose Garden, and Will Remembers Once Upon a December

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“So, Will, tell me. What is your honest opinion of us, mere rats being drowned in a barrel?” Charles asks as they walk through the Oval Hall.  

“Nothing. Not one.” Will answers honestly.  

“Come summertime, there’s never a moment where there’s not at least one of us here.” Charles explains, using hand gestures. “That’s part of what it means to be in the Baron’s inner circle of friends.”  

“Drowned rats indeed.” Will remarks.  

“The community is relatively small; I doubt I could even recall everyone’s names. But the trick is to make everyone think you do. That’s how you make your way through.”  

This confuses Will, “Make your way through what?”  

“Fighting, having affairs, the whole thing, really. Knowing each other on a personal level.”  

Just then, a door bursts open and a woman runs through it, only stopping to blow a quick kiss before going through another door.  

“Here’s one such person now. Late, as par for the course.” Charles notes. “Mistress, I think. No children, but that might be changing soon if the Baron’s attention falters.”  

“Is that so?” Will asks as they keep walking.  

“Mm. That’s her husband, there.” Charles points right as they enter the dining room.  

“She didn't come with him?”  

“Oh heavens, no. Thinks she’s too good for all of it, especially something like this. Thinks everyone here is beneath her.”  

As Charles speaks, some heads start to turn, so he tells Will, “Don’t look now, but I believe this is the part where we become a topic of conversation.”  

“Captain Charity.” someone calls out, and when Will turns, finally, finally, there he is, Mr. Phileas Fogg himself. “You appear to be...”  

“Late. Is that what you were going to say?” Will looks around anxiously.  

Phileas shakes his head, “No, not at all.”  

“I’m early then?”  

Again, Phileas says, “No.”  

“Then what am I doing here?” Will asks more urgently.  

“You’re” Phileas says sheepishly.  

“Oh so he’s one of yours, then?” Charles addresses Phileas. “It would seem I’m suddenly being called elsewhere. Can I trust that my new friend is in capable hands?”  

Phileas is already nodding, “Don’t be daft, of course he is.”  

“See to it that you do. I’m seeing a few hunters ready to shoot.” Charles remarks, before bowing to Will. “Pleasure, Captain.”, then leaving Will with Phileas.  

“Captain.” Phileas greets Will before leading him outside, pointedly ignoring the other partygoers staring at them.  


“It all sounds quite extravagant.”  Will tells Phileas once they’ve sat down outside. “But you’re able to refuse an invitation without consequence to your reputation?”  

“Of course.” Phileas replies. “I’m here. Or not. And now almost every summer is going to be spent here. Or in the community.”  

“And you don’t wish to do the same?” Will asks only out of curiosity.  

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