Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman With a Sluice Gate Scorned

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A door closes, but Phileas doesn’t look up from his sketches. 

“Ugh, are you still frittering away your time with those things, Philly?” Winnifred says behind him. 

“Keeps my brain occupied.” Phileas says simply. 

“Maybe for you.” Winnifred says flippantly as she hands him a letter. “Is it from the Baron?” 

Phileas opens it slowly, taking care not to tear it, Winnifred asking excitedly, “Have we been invited?” 

After reading it once, Phileas folds it back up, addressing her, “Are you for another reason, my dear?” 

“Phileas.” Winnifred whines. “Tell me what it says! What’s so secretive?” 

“Since you’ve asked, I have to inform you I'm leaving for Blenheim at the end of the week.” 

“Blenheim?” Winnifred repeats, then shakes her head. “I was not informed of this. Surely there was a mistake.” 

“I’ve been instructed to come alone.” Phileas tells her. “I’m sorry, my dear, but that is what I've been told.” 

He stands up, “Now if you don’t mind.”, then starts to walk away. 

He manages to make it to the doorway before he hears, 

“Captain William Charity.” 

It stops him, so she goes on, “Should I just assume he’s going to be a part of your life going forward?” 

He turns, but she’s not finished, “Have you gone mad, Phileas? A builder? And a man, no less?” 

Phileas looks right at her as he says, “I happen to be both of those things, as you’ll recall. And it’s what’s keeping your pretty little head occupied with the money coming in from both of those things.” 

Winnifred only laughs, “That’s a laugh. That’s what the two of you have in common, isn’t it? Fine. But I’m afraid I must insist that you leave him out of our life together. Do you even know what would happen to him if word got out about this? Or to you? Or to me ? I’d never find another man again.” She shudders. 

“Does someone need to be reminded that you were the one that sought me out, not the other way around?” Phileas says in a clipped tone. “Every single aspect of our lives has been your doing, and it was exactly what I needed.” 

Winnifred moves closer. “Phileas.” she begs, voice wobbling. “I know something is about to happen. Let me pull you back before you fall off the edge completely.” 

“You knew exactly what you were doing.” Phileas is not about to let her get away with that. “And, to give credit where it’s due, so did I. And I still allowed you to live how you wish, without me making you into a joke.” 

Seeing he’s got her attention, he asks simply, “Is it truly so farfetched for me to ask for the same courtesy?” 

He walks through the doorway, but there’s the telltale sound of her heels clicking as she follows him. 

“Phileas, please be reasonable. Don’t shut me out, I beg of you!” 

Phileas turns again, walking to her as he says, “I recall begging you once. Do you?” and when she says nothing, he adds, “I’m going to tell you now what you told me. ‘It’s a matter of making someone care. If, one day, we can no longer do that, we agree to separate and find happiness elsewhere. Let’s not call this anything other than what it truly is, Philly. A marriage of convenience. With time, it’ll even become comfortable.’ That’s what you said, word for word.” 

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