Chapter 2

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It has been 2 years since Tanjiro was kidnapped, he hoped his family was safe and okay... I mean he was now 7 years old and was still with the guy who kind of hurts him worse as he got older. Tanjiro found a punching bag in the basement and smiled softly as he punched it. It was a weak punch, but Tanjiro would train himself for a bit.

Tanjiro got pushed into his room as the guy had punched him for accidentally breaking a plate. Tanjiro waited until the dude left or sleep so he can punch the bag even more.

As the years went by Tanjiro got knocked out badly after the guy had hit him with a whip, beer bottles.

Tanjiro was now 12 years old, has he was passed out he sees two males. Tanjiro said, "w-who are you?".

One male, pale-skinned, tall and muscular man with long and spiky black hair with red tips that he kept in a ponytail. His most notable feature is the three sets of eyes on his face with yellow irises and red sclera that have black straight lines diverging from each iris. His middle set of eyes features of  the "Upper Rank One. He also has red markings resembling flames on the top left side of his forehead and the bottom right of his chin. His appearance was described to be extremely dignified and majestic by the Mist Hashira, Muichiroa purple-and-black bee-hive patterned nagagi kimono and black umanori-styled hakama pants tied with a white uwa-obi. He carried a fleshy katana at his waist that had eyes in the space between the tsuka ito wrapping of the handle of his sword. The tsuba and blade were also later revealed to have eyes and veins.

The other male, He is a tall and muscular man with long and spiky hair with red tips that he kept in a ponytail. However, unlike him he was slightly more slender and had shorter bangs and wavier hair than his brother. His Demon Slayer Mark was at the same place at the top of his forehead as Tanjiro, albeit lighter in color. Yoriichi is always seen with a solemn and calm look on his face, rarely showing emotion.

He wore a red haori over a very pale orange-colored nagagi kimono with a black umanori-styled hakama, a pair of zōri with red straps and white tabi socks, with a Nichirin Sword carried at the left side of his waist, conventional to most Demon Slayers. He sported hanafuda earrings created by his mother as charms when he was thought to be deaf; he later gave them to his friend Sumiyoshi, who then passed the earrings down to his descendants and eventually Tanjiro as well.

The guy with 6 eyes said, "my name is Michikatsu Tsugikuni and this is my twin brother Yoriichi Tsugikuni". Tanjiro was calmer and said, " is something you need?". "We are your descendants, and we are to teach you breathing and demon slayer and demon", Yoriichi said. Tanjiro nodded to show he understands.

Michikatsu then explained everything, Tanjiro nodded a bit, he did have small questions here and there. Yoriichi said, " it's time for us to go, we explain are breathing and teach both of the forms". Tanjiro hugged them and said, "thank you... And see you next time".

Tanjiro woke up and thought, 'holy shit..was that a dream...that felt to real to be a dream...oh well...i have to cook breakfast for Sir and maybe me...'.

Tanjiro cook breakfast as the guy said, " I will be back in 3 better keep out of trouble brat". "Yes sir", Tanjiro said, quietly. Tanjiro cleaned the house, went shopping, and falls asleep.

Yoriichi and Michikatsu both said, " welcome back Tanjiro ". Tanjiro smiled softly.


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