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~𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕~

crossed my heart and hoped to die, never more peer to those murdering eyes


" oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my fucking god." taehyung was pacing around the room, his hands clasped tight like a prayer, his eyes tight. his heart seemed to be stuck in his throat. his  neck was burning from sweat-and shear surprise.

when the boy-jungkook, was that his name?-had fainted, taehyung had screamed and almost knocked himself out. why the hell would that boy just fall like that? 

but namjoon explained that it was guranteeted jungkook was gonna pass out today, as he had pulled an all nighter, went to dance practice for at least 4 hours straight, and to the gym. on top of that, he sat in the makeup chair awake for a good two extra hours. the five boys just didnt foresee him to burn out in such an occasion. what shock could have put so much on jungkook that he couldn't take it anymore?

taehyung couldn't get himself to look into jungkooks face. he hated looking at pale, stiff, gloomy, people who looked, well, looked plain dead. guilt trickled down taehyung's mind. what had he done?

he bit his nails hard. so much for worrying about what would go wrong when he met the six boys. nearly killing one wasn't ideal on taehyung's list of possibilities. 

a gasp instantly train wrecked taehyung's fears. the boy had opened his eyes.

"thank god, jungkook-a!" jin said, rubbing his fingers over his eyelids.

taehyung didnt know whether to go to the boy and apologize or introduce himself. he stepped foreward. hoseok took out a hand and lurched jungkook off the ground and to his feet.

yoongi, who was unstartled and still leaning against the couch huffed. 

" took you long enough, jeon."

" yoongi, you little fucker," jimin sighed," just shut your mouth."

" gladly." yoongi stood up and strode through the space where there once was a door.


taehyung stepped a little closer to jungkook, tugging nervously on the chain that hung around his neck.

" hey!" he said, embarrassed. his ears felt hot, and his formerly rapid heartbeat was still making him dizzy. " um. im sorry, are you alright?". his hands kept wrenching the necklace on him, a constant reminder about the feel of something real-and also to just do something with his fidgeting. 

staring into the other boy's eyes caused something to click in taehyungs brain. his hand fell from the charms on his chain. taehyung could almost feel his heart drop and weighing him down like dumbbells in his stomach.

jungkook straightened up and stared right back into taehyung's terrified face.

" h-hi. im ok..." he stuttered, his voice raspy. the members looked confused on why their friend was so tense. jungkooks eyes darted around the room as he licked his lips, but he smiled at taehyung." im sorry, i dont think we've met yet. im...im jungkook. my stage name, jungkook.but jungkook works. call me whatever. '95 in september, from busan...and my birth name's... jeongguk, jeongguk jeon. they're the same, anyway."


you know that feeling when your just doing your own thing when suddenly something, someone, impacts your moment so much, tears just erupt from your eyes? tears summoned from blank air that run down so fast down your cheeks, that fall down your neck, and that feeling, that indescribable evil feeling that fills the last air in your lungs and hides the mild happiness you just experienced, only a few seconds ago. that feeling that exploded suicide.

cause the name jeongguk was something taehyung had forced himself to dismiss months ago. and here jeongguk-jungkook, whoever- was standing, two years older, more masculine and collected-speaking his own name? mentioning himself as if the trauma that poured through taehyungs eyes was nothing. the cries that shook the room, the pleads of comfort that were let out to nobody.

and taehyung really couldn't help it. he could feel the thin layer of water in his eyes, sprouting from suspicion that he had previously ignored. sprouting like rapid-devloping plants that pushed their weedy hands out to embrace the boy in front of him. foliage that was ready to let loose and fly far past the sky, and to finally break the chains that had held him so hard from emotion other than sorrow.

taehyung blinked. the room felt like it dropped twenty degrees. whisps of emotional torture hit his face. it was exactly like the day jeongguk-jungkook- left, over and over, the stretch of self hate that ate taehyung day by day.

taehyung knew the other boys could see his glassy eyes, but he ignored it. to hide his face, the boy veered himself down to bow.

" nice to meet you. nice to meet you, jeongg-jungkook. " he looked down for a moment then back at the other boy, and stood upright. taehyung knew he was shivering, knew he looked scared, but either way he gave a big smile. "im kim taehyung."

jungkook nodded. his eyes had not changed in recgonization from taehyung since he had awoken from his collapse. he did not acknowledge any remorse physically. 

" sorry for the..well the confusion. i usually dont faint on the floor."

"its fine. the others said you were tired..."

jimin piped up, " yeah gguks-"

taehyung stumbled backward, his duffle bag fell out of his hand. his eyes were daring to water. he waved a hand in the air toward jimin in apology.

"-you usually dont pass out after a tiring day! what happened this time?"

taehyung felt jungkook sneak a peak at him. so he did recognize taehyung, taehyung who was now looking away, biting his lip and trying not to cry.

" oh nothing, nothing. maybe it was dance practice..." he trailed off and looked at jin.

jin clapped his hands in a very motherly way. " ok people, we have to get taehyung to settle in, alright? so taehyung, we've got four bedrooms. yoongi stole the single one cause hes a brat-"

" suga hyung says we all stink and invade his personal will to live!" hoseok said.

jin rolled his eyes and resumed. " anyway, so im with jimin cause hes the one who needs watching-"

" excuse me jungkook was the one who-" jimin complained aggressively.

"-and joon is with hobi, so i guess your with jungkook!"

jin spoke like it was the most cheerful news in the world.

taehyung felt numb. "alright. thank you." he leaned down and reached for his bag. looking at it, he wished so desperately to go back in time, to when he didnt know his jungkook would be part of this group. all the worrying about messing up and getting disliked seemed thrown out the window.

" kook can show you your room. be down in thirty for lunch?"

"....okay...thanks hyung."

jungkook stepped back and turned for the hall. taehyung, after a few seconds, followed. they turned a corner, and the other boys were suddenly out of site. taehyung abruptly stopped and looked up to jungkook's eyes. he could feel his heart sinking, his hands shaking. his eyelids wanted to fall and give up.

" lets start over, shall we,  jeongguk? its taehyung, how have you been?"


hi, i have no idea how this jeongguk/jungkook thing works. according to some articles they're the same, just spelled and pronounced different?? others say jeongguk is his birth name? dunno. ill be following the prompt saying that jungkook goes by jungkook, but hes fine with jeongguk :)

and whoop, they finally meet!

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