Fishy Times- Emily

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My chest burns and feels like I'm suffocating. Something tugs against the pain pulling it out of my chest and up to my mouth. I blink my eyes as I notice faces in my vision My back is pressed against the hard ground as a large wracking cough sounds out from somewhere next to me.

Oh god, Julia I think. I turn my hand in her direction trying to see if she is okay. A pressure closes over my chin stopping me from looking as I meet the eyes of the man with the funny teeth. I jerk away from him as the memory of submerging into the darkness of the water comes to mind. My eyes flicker around to the faces of the women also surrounding me. My eyes widen at one of them with red hair who casually tosses a ball of water into the air as if it is an everyday thing.

"Is it true. Are you truly one of the mates of a dragon?" The man ask as he pulls my gaze back to his. I nod my head as I feel the pain in my throat may be too much to talk. "oh dear, we are so sorry for the trouble we have caused. Allow me to correct our wrong" he says. I look at him totally confused at his change of attitude.

He quickly release my chin and moves his arms to hold down my arms. I start to thrash against them as I hear Julia's throaty scream. My panic kicks up a notch when suddenly I find myself freezing. The note of a lovely song causes my muscles to sag in relief as Julia's scream turns into a long moan.

This feels amazing. It's like a light is traveling through my body causing my body to want to rejoice. I feel over whelming happy tears as my vision clouds. The music in the air is one of the most satisfying pieces I have ever heard. It is truly beautiful. A smile breaks a cross my face and just as suddenly the light leaves my body slowly causing my limbs to tingle.

"Are you alright. Is there still pain anywhere" Someone's voice says as the music stops. I turn my head in that direction and see the face of the man before. I immediately notice his teeth which now appear normal as he gives me a smile.

"Who are you?" I ask him completely bewildered. It's almost hard to explain what I feel as I look at him curiously. Before I felt terrified of him. Now it feels almost as if I am looking at someone I have known for a long time. I find it to be the oddest sense of Déjà vu.

"I am called Derrick. I am king of the mermaids that you see here" he answers easily as he helps me to stand. When I do I look around and see that the females with him start to back away giving me space. There expressions are peculiar as they regard me almost as if they are searching for something.                                         

Suddenly I am hit with a weight against my back as arms wrap around the waist. The hearty laugh of Julia fills the air as I stop myself from falling. I turn around to see her absolutely giddy with happiness as she holds onto me. Her laughter is so infectious that it causes me to chuckle. "We are aaaalive" she sings out with glee.

I laugh at her hysterics as I look at the other faces around me who are fighting to hide their laughter at her. "I do apologize about that. The song is quite strong on single women. The effect will wear of in about an hour" he states with an apologetic expression.

Julia hurriedly release me at the sound of his voice. He runs over to him and starts rubbing his chest with her hands as she looks into his gaze. My eyebrows skyrocket at her blatant flirting as I start to tug her away from him. She huffs at me as if I have ruined her fun but continues to eye Derrick like a piece of meat.

"I am surprised to say that you took the knowledge of what I am rather well" he comments.

"What can I say once you fall in love with a dragon, nothing surprises you anymore" I say with a chuckle. The woman around us gasp as Julia once more laughs with glee. I realize that I meant what I just said and smile. I am in love with a dragon.

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