16 | Seduction

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You're so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But, what can I say?
You're gorgeous


Some people are like salt in your sea, just a contact with them makes them a part of you.

Atharv was somehow taking the place of that salt in her life.

Days went like hours and much to Grace's surprise, she got accustomed to seeing those familiar faces for a week.

She was never an early bird but she was not a night owl either. However, a part of her kept her awake late at night with a hope of having a conversation with him.

Atharv always had a habit of admiring the nature and she was developing a habit of admiring him.

She hated herself for this but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do.

It was like you are on a diet but you can not control your urges when you see your favourite food.

Maybe she had a lil tiny crush on him. However, she was too stubborn to admit it.

Her hands were splayed on the ground backyard and her nose had to actually touch the grime with each push-up. She did push ups to a relentless beat, legs straight, arms straight, any deviating and the count restarted at zero.

She was aware that she had gone too easy on herself these days. She had to train consistently to stay fit for her job.

Grace Fernandes was not ranked among the most qualified assassins for nothing. She was a mixture of rebellion, resolution, adroitness and seduction.

Rumours had it that she was literally born for this job while some call her mentally ill.

None of them were wrong though.

Pushing her saturated hair back, she could feel all her muscles burning as she caught someone looking at her.

"What are you doing here?" She cocked her brow.

Bubble widened her eyes like a deer caught in headlights. "The workouts look cool," she answered, suddenly measuring the size of her baby hand.

"The workouts or me?" Grace asked, smirking with a sense of pride that this spoilt kid actually found her cool.

Bubble rolled her eyes. "Yeah whatever, I am going anyway."

"Do you wanna learn some of these from me?"

"OH MY GOD! REALLY?" Her eyes twinkled with amusement but then she immediately covered up her excitement. "I mean if you insist.."

"No, I don't insist. I am asking you if you wanna," interrupted Grace, sweat trickling down her neck before getting absorbed in her sport's bra.

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