Fake (robin)

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Robin always thought something was going on between her and this James guy, he didn't like him one fucking bit. The sight of him made him want to kill her. He wanted to fuck her up for getting with James

The truth was, she wasn't with james. She had never even spoken to james. A rumour had been spread around the school when people found out that they had skipped school on the same day.

James never stopped the rumour and of course no one would believe me. He used it to boost his ego while I used it to make me someone. Yes it was bad but I always wanted to be someone, someone people knew.

One day, robin saw me and james behind the school. I was telling him to call off the rumour and he was trying to lead me into a fake relationship with him

Y/n- just end it

James- no, we can both benefit from it

Y/n- no only you can, I'm practically being slut shamed

James- yeah but you love the attention

Y/n- how would you know what I like, you don't even know me!

Robin- what's going on?

Y/n- nothing just keeping on, keeping on I guess

James- yeah

Robin- I wasn't talking to you

James- fuck off, leave my girlfriend alone

Y/n- I'm not-

Before I could finish, robin punched James

Robin- she's. Not. Your. Fucking. Girlfriend. Dipshit!

He shouted during each punch. James started to turn faint looking

Y/n- ok he's had enough robin

Robin- no

He kept beating him until that faint look could no longer be seen as the blood gushing from his head covered it

Robin- she will never be your girlfriend. If she's gonna be anyones girlfriend, it's mine

What did he say

James- ok ok I'm sorry

He stumbled away

Y/n- thank you

Robin- anytime

Y/n- ... you know they're all rumours right

Robin- yeah

Y/n- you believed them

He didn't want to break her heart but he did

Robin- what no

Y/n- you think I'm a slut

Robin- no, I never said that

Y/n- oh come on it's written all over your face!

Robin- I believed them cause I was jealous! I was so fucking jealous! And scared... scared that you were going to leave me

Y/n- robin-

Robin- no, let me finish! Believing in this fake relationship hurt much less than believing that I loved you!

Y/n- loved... you don't love me anymore?

Robin- no that's not-

Y/n- that's what you just said robin!

I walked away

He stood there, regretting what he just said. If he didn't believe the rumours he wouldn't be so jealous. He'd be happy for the love of his life, well the past love of his life. She would hate him forever after this. Accusing her of something she didn't do. Something everyone thought she did.

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