1- A Clover

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And just like that, it was all over. All my hopes and dreams washed away into a sea of emptiness... I should probably elaborate on why this is happening,

My name is Clove, that's all you need to know at this current moment in time. It all happened one February, god I hate that month, couples cuddling and being all cute and shit. Not that I'm jealous... yeah I'm not jealous.

"Clove?" A voice mumbled, honestly thought I dreamt it until it was louder "Clove!" I awoke in a classroom. "Fuck I fell asleep again didn't I" I groaned. "Yup it's half an hour past the bell" This was my friend, well I suppose I'm obligated to call her that, she follows me around everywhere like a stray puppy. Not that I mind it though- "sorry June.. My bad you don't have to wait for me all the time." She just smiled, I don't entirely know what that meant but it was probably something dorky like "don't worry I like spending time with you" I stood up and tucked my chair under. "Come on then you." With a big grin she skipped up to me and we walked out of the school, of course getting a few discombobulating  looks from teachers. I had my camera handing from my neck like a lanyard. Before I knew it, June snatched it and was taking stupid pictures of herself, how immature- although, it was quite cute...

We soon reached the dimly lit alleyway that made us part ways. "I suppose I'll see you tommorow?" I asked. "Yeah! Of course! Oh here's your camera." I took it from her hand and attached it to my neck again. "Oh yeah I almost forgot about that." I then continued to walk down the path waving to my friend.

Once I got home I collapsed onto the sofa greeted my cat with some cat food and went upstairs. "Hey snakespeare.." I took my Reptilian friend out of his cage and let him twirl around my fingers whilst I looked through the photos from today, chuckling at the ones June took, when I approached an old video of dad. Hearing his voice for the first time in 12 years was soothing. As I listened to it years began to form and I cried myself to sleep.

A four leaf cloverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora