1- goodbye

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I went through the rest of my classes not being able to escape Junes hurt look. And that's when I knew what I had to do.. If June is going to be hurt when she's will me then... I can't let that happen. I suddenly scribbled something on my desk to give to June. It would explain everything I couldn't put into words.. everything I wanted to say but couldn't. It would be my last goodbye...

After class I found myself on the rooftop. The cool breeze rushing through my hair without a thought in my brain. I touched my arms and before I knew it mine, and everyone else's pains of me would be over. I wouldn't have to ruin lives anymore. I could... be empty. The feeling of that gave me shivers but.. i wasn't scared So, I jumped..

And just like that, it was all over, all my hopes and dreams washed away into a sea of emptiness. Now you know why this is happening... my name was clove eclipse and this is my goodbye...

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