2- dysmorphia (TW)

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I awake the next morning to the familiar sound of a cat purring and pawing at my face demanding food. "Alright dumbass I'm up." I ruffled her fur and got up. Looking in my wardrobe to find there were no long sleeved shirts. "Shit.." I put arm warmers on to cover the shame. If you know, you know. I walk down the stairs to find my mum. "Where have you been." I asked bluntly.
"Sorry am I not allowed to go out?"
"I never said that"
"Well if you must know I've been seeing someone."
I paused and and stared at her. A decent child would congratulate her but... I just couldn't shake the feeling of dad. "oh I see" I barged past her and fed the twat who was still meowing in my face demanding food. If she could talk she would probably say something like "oi bitch I have you affection for 2 seconds stop thinking about your crippling depression and give me my 5th food packet today."
"Anyway your brother comes back from his overnight trip today pick him up would you." I rolled my eyes and agreed.

Once I left the house I realised it was raining. "Well I'm gonna get drenched." After about 5 minutes of walking I see a familiar figure screaming my name like a lunatic. "CLOOOVE WAIT." Being a good friend i stayed in one spot and allowed my friend to catch up. "Morning June." She looked at me very disturbingly and she took an umbrella out of her bag. "My guy you're soaked" she hovered the umbrella over both of us. "This umbrella is way too small." No it was big enough for both of us but for some reason I don't think I could be that close to her. "Oh well you can have it!" She passed me the umbrella and ran ahead. I caught up eventually when she suddenly pulled an ecstatic look. "Oh yeah! There's a party tonight! Not sure who's it is but it's for graduation"
"Graduations ages away"
"yeah but like stillll... did you wanna go with-"
"Come on this is me we are talking about. Do I look like a said 'party' person to you"
She chuckled at the thought of it but persuaded me to go anyway.

(Time skip to after school cuz I can't be bothered lmao)

I sit on my sofa looking at the online invite June had sent me. Was I really going to do this?!? Ugh what kind of magic is June using to stop me from being able to make a rational decision. I check the time and head upstairs to get changed. I look at the dress I told myself I would wear.


I stare uncomfortably at the dress before choosing a suit. I put it on and slipped an agender pin on my blazer. I did my hair up so it would show my undercut. "I look decent!" I yelled in triumph. My brother barged into my room. "Clove you're being way too loud I can't hear the tv!!!"
I then heard a knock at the door and rushed to answer it. I opened the door and saw June in a pink dress. She looked adorable in it.. "hii! You look great!" I smiled and we left the house.

(Time skip to the party lmao sorry)

It was packed. Not my place at all. Of course being the antisocial introvert I went straight to the alcohol, and in the space of an hour or less I was pissed as as a dad at a holiday park. June found me in this space and gracefully escorted me to a quieter room. ..

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