Bite me

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(Pipers POV)
I woke up to my phone ringing, it was Bianca. I turned on the lights and rubbed my eyes then answered.

"Good morning Pipes, you ready for today?" She asked, todays my introduction to Monday night raw.

"Ya I'm super excited." I said going to the kitchen and getting stuff to make a smoothie.

"I bet, you've also got a easy win." She said.

"Ya Nikki A.S.H is an easy beat. When was the last time she won something?" I said back slicing up a mango and some dragon fruit.

"Girl, no one can remember. It was probably when she was teamed up with Ripley." She said.

"Ya, I'm gonna go. Ive gotta run some arons before tonight." I said as I put the rest of the stuff in the blender.

"I'll see you tonight babes, byeeeee." And then she hung up. I finished my smoothie, put it in a to go cup, fed my cat, then got ready for the day.

After I was ready I left and went out on my arons. First I want to target to get some more decorations for my new apartment. I found a few fake plants, some plates and cups, and some throw pillows.

Then I went to pet smart to get some new toys for Tommie my cat. I also got some new treats for him cause I felt bad about putting him threw the stress of moving.

After that I got some lunch at a local cafe. I got a club sandwich and a iced green tea. Then I went to work. Tonight is my debut and I'm supposed to go against Nikki, easy win.

I went to the locker room where I found my locker and unpacked my stuff. I got changed into an outfit to compete in and put my hair in a ponytail.

Then I decided to explore. My match was the fifth one that afternoon so I had some time. While I was looking around I found a coffee cart, a practice ring, a gym, and a bunch of bathrooms.

I met some people too. I met liv Morgen and she was really nice. I also met Becky lynch, fin bowlered, Damian Preist, Rhea Ripley, and Alexa Bliss. Most of which were also very nice.

Then I went and I met up with Bianca. "Oh my god girl you look great." She said as she gave me a huge hug. "As do you B." I said as I hugged her back.

"Are you getting to know people?" She asked as we had a seat at a table.

"Ya most people I met were great. I met liv, Alexa, Becky, Damian, and Fin and they were all great." I said.

"And who wasn't great?" She asked.

"Well Nikki obviously, and Rhea." I answered.

"What happened with Rhea?" She asked as she adjusted in her chair to face me more.

"I don't know. She was with Damian and Fin, and I went to introduce myself but she just ignored me. And walked away." I replied.

"She's probably just jealous you get to beat Nikki and she doesn't." She giggled which made me as well.

Then it was time for me to go the the main center and wait for them to call my name.

"I'll be watching Pipes!" She said as she hugged me goodbye. And with that I left.

(Rheas POV)

"Rhea what the hell was that?!" Damian said chasing after me.

"What was what?" I said wiping around.

"That was rude. You just ignored Piper." He said.

"And? I don't see your point." I said.

"She's new, you could at least try to be nice." Fin chimes in.

"Why should I? Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go watch this match. You know, to be nice." I said and walked away.

It's not that I don't like her. I think she's pretty. She's just very small and she doesn't look like she wins a lot. And I don't need a new friend. The ones I've had have left me and betrayed me. Why would I trust a new one.

(Narrator POV)
"Now introducing!!!! Piper!!!!!!! Shea!!!!!" The announcer announced. As she walked out she waved to fans and gave high fives to people. She made her way to the ring and went to her corner to wait.

"And the challenger Nikki A!!! S!!! H!!!!" The announcer said as Nikki and Doudrop walked down the aisle. When they got down Nikki went to her side and the red reminded Doudrop this is not her match.

The bell rang and Nikki went running at Piper. Piper ducked and Nikki missed. Then Nikki tried again but this time Piper kicked out Nikki's legs from under her.

Nikki was laying on the ground and Piper put her in a arm lock. As Nikki was screaming Piper could tell she would tap out so she let go.

Piper stood up and waved Nikki over. Nikki stood up and came running over but Nikki got a kick straight to the nose. Nikki threw a few punches but Piper did too.

Piper got Nikki in a vertical suplex and she had her pined. "1... 2... AHHH doudrop stomps on Piper." The commentator screams. Piper stood up and doudrop was facing her. Doudrop came running at Piper but she moved and Doudrop plowed over Nikki.

Nikki was out and while Doudrop was checking on Nikki, Piper jumped on her from the top rope. Doudrop rolled out of the ring and then Piper pined Nikki. "1... 2... 3 and she wins it!!! Piper won!!!" She commentators roared along with the crowd.

(Pipers POV)
The reff grabbed my arm and pulled it in the air. I was so proud of myself. When I left the stadium Bianca was there to congratulate me as was liv and Alexa. "You did so good Pipes!" Bianca said as she hugged me.

They all sang my praises for a little while longer then I went to the locker room. The only people in there were me and Ripley. "Hey sorry if I was rude earlier. I just don't need anymore 'friends'." She said barley looking at me.

"No I get it. I mean I would fell threatened too if I were you." I said while throwing on my shirt. "Hey I was just trying to be nice. I don't even care." She said "Then don't act like it." I said while walking out.

When I got out there was an interviewer there to question me and after my interview I went home.

Thank you so much for reading I promise it will get more interesting. Hearts<3
WC: 1111

Endless love (fem OC x Rhea Ripley)Where stories live. Discover now