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🔥just a tiny bit so like a spark or something

Time skip one week

(Pipers POV)
I woke up this morning and when I checked my phone I had a text from liv morgen.

:Hay Piper it's liv I just wanted to wish you good luck on your match tonight.:

:hi liv! Thank you so much, how did you get my number.: I replied

:oh ya, I got it from Bianca.: she typed

:cool, do you have any matches tonight?: I asked

:no I don't, why?: she replied

:well I'm supposed to go against Nikki and Doudrop in a tag team match tonight but I don't have a partner, and I was wondering if you'd be my partner?: I asked

:of course I will! Omg that sounds so fun!: she replied

:great it's at 7 tonight, do you want to meet at 6 to go over strategy's?: I asked

:ya sure, I'll see you then ;): she said and I turned off my phone and got ready. I called my friend Dominik and he answered 3rd ring.

"Hay Piper! What's up?" He asked. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the gym with me?" I asked. "Ya sure. I'll pick you up in 10." He said and hung up.

I like going to the gym with Dominik cause we lift about the same and we've been friends scene high school. I made myself a protein drink and got changed then Dominik arrived.

We went to the gym and spent about 2 and a half hours there. After that we got lunch at a local place and then I went home. I fed Tommie and then I went on a walk. It was 4:30 so I decided to head to work.

When I got there I went to change. There was no one in the locker room so I went ahead. I took off my shirt and bra and threw on my work bra. I took off my pants and that's when i heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Nice panties Shea." Rhea walked in and over to her locker. She was all sweaty and it looked like she had just came from the gym. "Thanks." I said as I pulled my pants on and started messing with my hair.

"Do you have a match tonight?" I asked. She pulled of her waist trainer and whipped her face with a towel. "Why do you care." She said. "I'm sorry." I said back as I decided on two French braids and started on my hair.

"Don't be." She said. She pulled off her shirt and bra to change into her practice wear. I couldn't help but look. Her body was amazing. "A picture would last longer." She said as she pulled her shirt over her head.

My face turned bright red, i mumbled out a small sorry and I went straight back to my hair. "Those braids are fucking awful." She said as she let out a laugh.

"Then help me." I said. "No, I'm not your friend." She said as she pulled on her pants. "You could be." I said and fixed one of my braids. "Why would I want to be friends with a whore like you." She said as she shot me a slight wink.

I groaned and went back to my hair. Then i got a call from liv. "Hay I'll be there in like 20 minutes. And I'm already ready." She said. "Kk bye liv." I said and hung up.

"I hope you know she's the fakest girl you'll ever meet." Rhea said as she slammed her locker shut. "At least she nice to me." I said back. "At least I don't pretend to be." She said as she walked out.

She was right my braids where so bad. I pulled them out and decided on a ponytail.

(Time skip 1 hour)
(Narrator POV)

"Introducing Nikki A.S.H and Doudrop!!!" The commentator announced.
"And your competitors Piper Shea and Liv Morgen!!!!" He screamed again.

Liv went to the corner and just decided Piper was going first. And Doudrop was on the other side. The bells rang and Doudrop immediately charged at Piper. Piper ducked and doudrop tried again.

This time she hit. Piper fell to the ground and pulled Doudrops feet so she fell. Piper jumped on top of Doudrop and started hitting her in the face and chest. She then put Doudrop in a arm lock but Doudrop got to the bottom rope.

Piper climbed up and it gave Doudrop just enough time to tag Nikki. Nikki jumped of the top rope and tried to kick Piper but she moved just in time.

Then Piper grabbed Nikki and pulled her up. She tagged liv then put her knees on Nikki's back. Liv climbed to the rope and she jumped and kicked Nikki backwards onto Pipers knees. Piper rolled out and Nikki got to Doudrop on time.

She made the tag. Doudrop grabbed liv and but her in a vertical suplex. Piper ran back in and pulled live down befor tagging in.

Doudrop tagged Nikki and they switched. Piper put Nikki in a vertical suplex and flipped her onto her knee. Then she pinned her. "1... 2... 3!!!!" The crowed cheered. I grabbed liv and pulled her into a hug.

(Pipers POV)

After we did our interview and everything we went to the coffe cart. "That was great Piper!" She said hugging me again. "Ya it really was. We should do that again." I said back. "Definitely!" She said as she grabbed her coffee and left.

I grabbed mine and went to the locker room. I took of my clothes and changed into my other ones. I had a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

"She didn't do a damn thing." A voice said. Then Rhea walked out of the shower area wearing just a towel.

"That's not true." I said as i took my hair out of the pony and retried the braids. "Ya it is. You did it all." She said as she dropped the towel. I tried not to look but i couldn't hold back.

Her body was stunning. Everything curved exactly where it should and her muscles popped too. I quickly looked away and went back to my braids. "Fine don't respond i don't even fucking care." She said as I walked out.

I went to my car and there was a note on the windshield. I didn't see what it said but i immediately turned and ran inside. I got inside and walked around till i found someone.

"Hay Damian, can I ask for a favor?" I said as he turned towards me. "Depending on the favor." He said back. "Could you walk me to my car please. When I got out there there was a note on my windshield and i know people use that as a distraction." I said back.

"Of course i can. Lead the way." He said as he turned to follow me. On the way to my car we talked about our matches and when we got there he grabbed the note.

"To Piper, you did so great today. You look so good while you beat the people who have wronged you. You are a goddess." He read aloud. I cringed i couldn't even bare to take the note. "That's horrible." I said with a awkward laugh. "Ya I'm sorry you have to deal with this." I he said back opening up the door for me.

"Ya well I'm used to it." I said and turned on my car. "We'll if you ever need help again i am happy to help." He said before he walked away. "Thank you!" I yelled out. And then i drove home.

—————————————————————————thank you for reading i know this chapter sucks but it will get better.


Endless love (fem OC x Rhea Ripley)Where stories live. Discover now