Chapter 4:Go home

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Gelatin:This does not look like Bikini Bottom.

Impostor:Oh god,not this dimension,it's the Goanimate world.
Uka Uka:What even is a Goanimate?

Shadow:It's some drag n drop software used to make "animations."

Impostor:Screw this. I'm splitting up, and Uka Uka is gonna come with me.

Impostor swipes Shadows portal gun and goes with Uka Uka.(Yes, he will give it back)

Gelatin:Guess that team up was worthless, lol.

Caillou:Man,Im tired of people hating me. Why can't people love me? I'm the main character, and main characters are always heroes.

Caillou then has a realization.

Caillou:Wait,if everyone hates me, then everyone must be the villain.

Boris:Caillou how dare you be stupid thats it your.

Caillou:You won't ground me,not if I use GoAnimate logic.

Caillou points at Boris, and he melts.

Caillou:All of you have hated me for far too long,I will eradicate you all and live in Chuck E Cheese's, and nobody can stop me, ha ha ha ha.

Shadow:At least no one from this universe.

Caillou:GoAnimate logic activate.

Caillou then makes random Caillou robots appear.

Shadow:It's a good thing I have real guns.

Gelatin:Don't forget me having forks.

Shadow and Gelatin then have an epic clash with the Caillou robots

Gelatin:Hey, isn't he like four years old?

Shadow:It seems like attacking a small child.

Gelatin:He used something called GoAnimate logic?

Gelatin then turns into Super Gelatin(He's lemon flavored now.

Gelain:I don't get it.

Caillou:No,confusion makes you have GoAnimate logic in your blood.

Shadow:How about me eating a marshmallow?

Shadow eats a marshmallow and turns into Super Shadow.

Shadow and Gelatin then go out of the planet and fly around it, reversing time like SuperMan.

Boris:Oh oh oh oh oh oh,Caillou how dare you melt us and say you were the hero.

Caillou:I am a hero, and you are all the villains,im the main character and the protagonist, meaning that you should all love me.

Boris:No,that's it. You are going to the shadow realm for 99999999999999999990000000000004728577286727857184819184719198373728491748393638483829858482858584993868483845828588 centuries.


Boris:Thank you two for saving us. Here are some chocolate chip cookies.

Gelatin:Weird choice for an award, but thanks.

Meanwhile, in another dimension.


Impostor:The guns randomly, I can't control where it goes, and me arriving from a portal was just dumb luck sheesh.

A blue cat with Sonic's face when walks out of the door.

???:Hey there new fellas.

Uka Uka:You're not Homer Simpson.

Rick:Of course im not im Rick, and this is my good pal Morty The Echidna.

Morty:Hi, I'm Morty. You guys wanna fried chicken?


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