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In the end, Akaashi felt less anxious about meeting Bokuto's friends. He felt less pressured as well. Bokuto and him had talked and cleared up some of the stress. 

Now, Bokuto and Akaashi were walking to the small diner that the group decided to meet at. Bokuto had made Akaashi promise to tell him if he ever felt uncomfortable or left out. It made Akaashi feel wanted as a friend. 

Wanted within a friendship. A kinship had formed between the two teens, they felt more comfortable with each other the longer they hung out. 

Bokuto was widely known for being the ace and team captain of the volleyball team. His massive energy levels and excitement on and off court was widely known throughout the school. In fact it was hard to miss. Thus, his extroverted personality caused him to be taken at face value. 

His school friends seemed to only ever know and notice the hyperactive persona, and completely disregard and degrade the saddened one. 

Bokuto couldn't help his mood swings, where the world was seemingly perfect one moment and then suddenly he felt like a fraud in his own skin. Every change made him feel as if he was getting whiplash from his own mind. Not to mention, no one stuck around long enough to fully grasp the pain of these moments where he was deeply saddened. 

No one cared enough to help the teen. They only wanted him to switch back to being happy-go-lucky. Only his father thought to ask what was wrong. 

And somewhere deep in Bokuto's heart, he was worried Akaashi would be the same. He genuinely appreciated Akaashi's company. He felt at ease to be himself, showing emotions and being affectionate. He knew Akaashi had no alternative motives behind a facade of friendship. No, the artist was a genuine friend. 

That didn't mean fear couldn't enter the cracks and crevices of Bokuto's delicately crafted exuberant personality. 

In the end, Bokuto just didn't want Akaashi to leave. 

So Bokuto promised to attempt not to fall into a depressed state. He would not show Akaashi he was deeply flawed. 

A small jab to his side made Bokuto's body jolt to the side. He quickly snapped his attention to the other teen walking next to him. 

"Are you okay?" Akaashi fingerspelled, having stopped walking after the jab. 

Bokuto paused, a couple steps ahead. He could have smacked himself for already breaking his internal promise. 

Swallowing thickly, Bokuto nodded. "I'm fine."

Akaashi pursed his lips, noticing Bokuto had yet to even look him in the eyes since he zoned out. He chose to let the taller male be alone with his thoughts for now. Akaashi wasn't the best person to mess with emotions, especially when he himself was nervous. 

They walked to the diner in silence. 

"Reservation for Bokuto?" Asked the duel-haired teen. 

The hostess took a moment to settle herself before nodding and grabbing four sets of utensils and menus. Then she led the way. 

No one else was there yet. The seats were cold and the air crisp with the smell of freshly made meals. Akaashi closed his eyes, shutting the world out completely as he took in the smells wafting through the air. It was relaxing, and even calmed his nerves momentarily. 

A tap on his shoulder eventually caused him to gently open his eyes once more. Blue eyes met gold. Bokuto gulped at the undivided attention his friend gave him. 

He wasn't expecting Akaashi to look so relaxed sitting next to him in a booth. Usually Bokuto hung around rowdy people and made friends with other extroverts. The change was…


He slid a soft smile on his face and brought his hands up to begin signing. 

"Tsuki and Roo are looking for a parking spot." Bokuto relayed their text message so Akaashi wouldn't be surprised by their appearances. 

The black hair teen nodded before turning to look at the entrance of the diner. Bokuto followed the lead, feeling himself sink into the smooth seat. 

He was glad Akaashi sat next to him. 

An excited "Hey!" was heard ricocheting off the walls of the diner. A smart-alec, super tall teenager came rushing towards Bokuto's booth once he spotted his friend. And he was pulling a grimacing blonde by the collar of his shirt. 

He plopped down in the booth, sliding a menu towards himself as he practically forced Tsukishima next to him. The poor teen had even hit his leg on the table's corner, making the whole thing slightly shake. 

He glared at Kuroo, mumbling an offhanded retort. 

"Long time no see, man!" Said the ravenette, prepping for a friendly hand slap. 

"Ayo! Long time no see!" Came the exuberant reply from Bokuto. 

All the while, Tsukishima was staring at a flabbergasted Akaashi with his eyes squinted. 

The Artist was already starting to become uncomfortable, especially under the scrutiny of the blonde. 

"Oh! Oh!" Yelled an excited Bokuto. 

Feeling his friend bouncing in his seat, Akaashi turned his confused gaze towards Bokuto. Said teen was animatedly speaking in the direction of Kuroo and Tsukishima. Akaashi attempted to read his lips but found he couldn't do so fast enough. Bokuto quickly turned towards Akaashi, and greeted his nervous friend with a lopsided grin. 

He brought up his hands to both sign and speak. 

Kuroo's interest was spiked, and he began leaning across the table in fascination. In contrast, their blonde friend had crossed his arms and was leaning back in his seat, observing quietly. 

"Akaashi, these are my friends Kuroo," he then motioned to the teen, "and Tsukishima!" 

Akaashi warily glanced at Bokuto's friends. He felt like he was a lab rat, being observed and judged. Feeling somewhat cornered, he began wringing his fingers together in his lap. 

"Roo and Tsuki, this is my friend Akaashi!" He explained. 

Akaashi, noticing the awkward air around the group, chose to wave. 

"He deaf?" Asked Tsukishima, breaking the silence with his sarcastic, slightly condescending voice. 

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