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By the time Akaashi  started to make his way back to the main room, he was much calmer. He had simply needed some time to think and rest. Some time to calm his nerves. 

Nevertheless, he took a deep breath before turning the doorknob. Not even a second passed before the door was kicked open from the inside, startling the deaf teen. Without time to comprehend, arms wrapped around Akaashi, pulling him in a firm hug. A hug so big that Akaashi's feet dangled a couple inches off the ground. 

He could feel the hugger's chest vibrate as he either said something, hummed, or laughed. Akaashi found his hands gripping at the back of Bokuto's shirt, in fear of being dropped abruptly. 

The whole ordeal lasted multiple seconds before Bokuto cautiously set the deaf teen down. And when he pulled away, Akaashi could see the ear-splitting grin enveloping the Pianist's face. 

"You picked great!" Bokuto signed to his best friend. "And the funny part is, we know them all! Such a small world, I'm so happy!" His words jumbled together as Bokuto left out letters and small figments of sentences. But Akaashi understood. 

And he was relieved. 

"Good job," Kuroo said, also smiling at Akaashi, who was able to read the guitarist's lips. The taller teen gave Akaashi a firm pat on the back, to show his excitement and support without completely mauling the shorter teen. 

The artist felt a soft upturn of his lips begin to take place. Tears pricked his eyes as he realized how lucky he was to have friends. Friends that were supporting, open, and kind. 

Akaashi felt safe with these people. He felt like he could do anything with these people. He felt like he could conquer the world. 

His day couldn't get any better. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

As soon as Akaashi walked inside his home, he noticed the smell of a candle wafting through the air, which was odd. His mom hardly ever put out candles unless it was a special occasion. 

Nevertheless, Akaashi shut the front door and locked it. Then he shuffled forward to go find his mom. He wanted to tell her of all the excitement of the day--how Bokuto had insisted that Akaashi become the manager of the band. 

And how Kuroo agreed. 

And how they created a group chat of all the band members. Including the artist. 

And how they all planned to meet up as a full band in a couple of days to begin bonding with one another. That was Bokuto's idea, at least. 

As he walked through the hallway, he could smell baked goods. The scent of blueberry pie. 

And suddenly, Akaashi picked up his pace, forcing his excitement down his chest, in an attempt to quell his hopes. His father's favorite pie was blueberry, so Akia only made that specific pie on special occasions. 

He practically ran through into the kitchen, skidding to a halt as he passed the frame. His heart rose, a gasp leaving his lips as he spotted his mother taking the pie out of the oven and placing it on the stove. A vanilla candle placed on the counter to its left. 

And his father standing near the fridge, peering inside it sneakily, as to not let his wife know of his snacking. 

Yet at Akaashi's gasp, Yuto turned around to face his son. A grin was plastered on the older man's face, the small gap between his front two teeth on full display. He let the fridge door close as he turned his body around and opened his arms. 

Akaashi let no time pass before he rammed into his father, arms enveloping around him as if he was home at last. The thick cologne of his father smelled more like home than Akaashi's art supply fumes. And Akaashi felt tears spring to his eyes as he grasped his father's shirt. 

A calloused hand patted and rubbed Akaashi's back, comforting the emotional teen. 

He was so happy his father was home

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"So now I'm the manager." Akaashi finished signing. After the emotional reunion, Akia had finished making dinner and practically forced everyone to sit at the table. Thankfully she had stuck to one of her mastered dishes instead of a new monster of a meal. 

Akaashi, having found a break in the dinner conversation, had told his parents about the events of today, as well as made sure Yuto was all caught up with recent events. 

"Ah! Very cool!" Yuto commented, eyes gleaming in excitement for his son. The last time he had seen Akaashi was about a third of a year ago. And at that time, Akaashi was battling crippling anxiety and hardly ever felt safe leaving his room, much less the house. Yuto felt happy knowing that Akaashi had made friends, and seemed overall happier and healthier too. He was very proud of his son. 

"Yay! Once you all become better acquainted, you should bring them over for dinner some night! Bokuto is such a sweet boy, and I'm sure the others are too!" Akia signed quickly, excitement rolling off her in waves. 

Akaashi found himself smiling at the thought. 

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