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Everyone had decided they could meet up on the eighteenth day of the month. And even better, the twins said the band could meet up at a local music shop and have the day to themselves. The store was family-owned, and all the twins had to do was ask a favor of their aunt and uncle. So that was how Bokuto found himself waiting in a car outside of the shop ten minutes early.

He tapped his fingers on the rim of the steering wheel before dropping them into his lap, fingers fidgeting slightly. 

Over the course of the past few days, he could feel his “High Swing” elevating his mood and stamina. Moreso, since his passion for piano and entering a band were being fulfilled, the swing was ten times worse than normal. Right now, he felt as if nothing could go wrong, and yet his head was telling him that such thoughts weren’t true either. And yet he couldn't just let himself fall into despair after hitting a strong high. That would simply be horrendous, especially since his dreams were being met. Today was supposed to be a happy day, dangit. 

And yet, Bokuto felt as if he was trying so hard to upkeep a smile that felt so incredibly forced. Usually I’m so much better at this. He felt the corners of his mouth turn downward into a frown. HIs mind was reeling at thinking over all the reasons as to why he should be leaping with joy at the upcoming moments. 

A soft hand on his shoulder made Bokuto jump out of his mind. He looked over to the passenger side, eyes meeting Akaashi’s worried gaze. The artist had a sketchbook and pens in his lap from where he had previously been drawing. His thick eyebrows were furrowed and lips pressed into a line. Worry was evident on his face as he looked at his best friend try to force happiness upon himself. 

Bokuto, Don’t force yourself.” He began, looking his friend deeply  in the eyes so as to show his seriousness. Bokuto opened his mouth as if to say something to combat Akaashi’s statement, but the black-haired teen didn’t allow it. “It’s okay to not feel happy all the time.”

Bokuto felt his mouth shut, lips pressing together as his mind reeled from the unfamiliar words. For once in his life, Bokuto didn’t know what to say. Unspoken words felt thick in his throat, unwilling to come out. He could feel his cheeks and throat heating up as tears welled up in his eyes. He had nothing to say because he had nothing to lie about. No basis to condone putting up a facade. No, Bokuto felt no pressure to force himself into being happy with Akaashi next to him. 

Because Akaashi stayed. 

He stayed and he isn’t leaving anytime soon. 

Bokuto felt a small, yet genuine, smile overtake his lips as tears ran down his face. He had no energy to press down the sad emotions today. Both his mind and body were beyond exhausted, and when he looked at Akaashi, he knew the artist understood. 

After a few moments, Akaashi pushed his sketchbook and pencils off of his lap and moved his arm around Bokuto. He then pulled the crying volleyball player into a hug. Bokuto found himself leaning into the embrace, even though the console between them was slightly uncomfortable. Slowly, Akaashi used his fingers to rub small circle patterns into Bokuto’s back, further relaxing the distraught teen. 

Eventually, the tears turned into hiccups, and those hiccups turned into silence. Akaashi only Let Bokuto go when the older teen pulled away. “Thank you, Akaa--” He signed, hands shaking from the onslaught of emotions he had just experienced not even ten minutes ago. Gently, Akaashi pushed the fumbling hands down, so Bokuto didn’t have to struggle any further. 

You don’t need to thank me.”  He signed instead, before glazing at the clock. “We need to go in soon, they’re probably here or close to being here.” The artist looked Bokuto in the eyes again, face serious as he tried to get his next point across. “If you need or want to leave--if you get overwhelmed--tell me, and we can go home.”

Bokuto felt his heart flip at the caring facial expression Akaashi held. His chest swelled with content as he realized he finally had a friend that actively tries to make him comfortable. He nodded his head, sniffing lightly. Akaashi gives the teen a smile in return before leaning forward to pick up his sketchbook and writing utensils. 

Bokuto took that time to whip his tears and blow his nose in an attempt to look somewhat presentable in front of all his volleyball friends. He was extremely anxious about walking in while looking a wreck, after all his friends from other teams had only ever seen him on his “High Moods” or on his average moods, where he had forced himself to act exuberant. But today, he wouldn’t force himself too much, and insead internally promised himself he would attempt to enjoy today’s first band meeting. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“Yer here!” Shouted the twins at nearly the same time. 

“Hey! We were supposed to say it at the same time!” Atsumu turned to his twin with an annoyed expression, only to jab him in the chest with a pointed finger. 

The gray-haired twin rolled his eyes. “Ye didn’t count. Ye said ye would count.” Their bickering soon turned into a full-blown brawl as Atsumu attempted to fight his twin. 

At the same time, Kuroo and Kenma stepped forward to greet the two arriving teens. Well, Kuroo had yanked Kenma from his seat on the floor where he had previously been playing diligently on his DS. He had loathed how Kuroo manhandled him out of his comfortable seated position, but was so close to beating his current level that he didn't take his gaze away from the game.

"Bro!" Yelled Kuroo, dropping his hold on Kenma to lift up his hands and give the pianist a custom handshake. 

"Bro!" Bokuto said, not giving out his usual enthusiasm but nevertheless giving in to the handshake. 

"Long time no see, Akaashi!" Kuroo said. 

After lipreading what he could, Akaashi gave forth a small smile and nodded at the taller as if agreeing. Kuroo let out a chuckle before turning to Kenma. The taller male lunged forward in an attempt to snag Kenma's DS, but the smaller was expecting it. Having finished his level, he pulled the device out of Kuroo's reach and glared at the teen. 

Huffing, Kuroo instead grabbed Kenma's free arm and forced the smaller teen into moving closer to Akaashi. "Remember this singer?" He asked the deaf teen, humor glinting in his eyes. 

Akaashi turned to Bokuto. "Kemma?" 

Bokuto took time to fingerspell the name correctly to Akaashi. The younger one nodded and turned to Kenma. 

He waved politely at the blank-faced teen who seemed to be analyzing the deaf artist. Akaashi felt increasingly uncomfortable under the smaller's gaze. 

"Don't worry…he does that." Was Bokuto's explanation. 

Even though such an answer didn't explain anything. 

"BOKUTOOOO!!!" A loud scream from behind. Bokuto snapped his body around and braced, startling Akaashi by the fast movement. 

The door slammed shut behind a hurtling orange haired teenager. Not even seconds later, Hinata had jumped Bokuto and was hugging the life out of him. The taller was smiling softly, hugging the shorter male back as he babbled. 

Akaashi watched with a soft smile, noting Bokuto was feeling better, even if not as hyper as usual. 

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