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By the time the first page of notes–front and back–were filled, the group of three teens were exhausted. The only saving grace was that there were only four remaining applicants. 

Kuroo watched the latest applicant-- one with dull red hair who was wicked at guitar. However, even though he could proficiency play a perfect song on the guitar, the audition seemed to be lacking a certain feel.

Akaashi had brought up the idea after the first applicant had finished and left. Akaashi had turned to Bokuto and told them that, while he hadn't been able to hear the music, he noticed said musician lacked a certain passion while playing. 

From then on, Kuroo had picked up on that fact as well. And marked the lack of passion as well as how good their skills were. 

The purpose of the band was to gather passionate people to make new music--exciting music. 

Sighing, Kuroo turned back to his sheet, flipping it over and reading the next couple names. He chuckled to himself, spotting quite a few volleyball names on the list. 

As it turns out, a decent amount of fellow volleyball players had dabbled in playing various instruments--Hinata and Kenma being on the list, much to Kuroo's excitement. 

They, among a few others, seemed like great members, as it would be easier to bond as a group over multiple subjects. Putting down the pencil he held in his hand and tapping on the desk instead, Kuroo turned to Bokuto and Akaashi. 

The two were reviewing some of the musicians that struck their interest. Kuroo found himself entering the conversation and inputting his own thoughts and opinions about the last auditioner. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"So we have duplicates of instruments…how do we narrow down?" Bokuto asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at the applicant photos they had printed out. It was easier to visually display them rather than forget whose name was who. 

Right now the photos were grouped via instrument. 

"Well, a couple duplicates should be okay. But variation is also good in a band." Akaashi added in. 

"Okay, I guess we should review again. Personally I think the twins were so in sync with each other, they would be great additions. Nomuki seemed to stumble through some aspects of the song--which is fine…but for a band a certain level of confidence is needed, right?" 

Bokuto hummed at Kuroo's thoughts, agreeing. He quietly moved Nomuki's photo over to the opposite side. 

"I'm almost hesitant to sort through these--I feel biased against people we don't know…since so many are in volleyball club at different schools." Bokuto whispered. 

"Yeah, it doesn't seem fair." Kuroo brought a hand up to his face and rubbed his jaw, eyebrows furrowed. 

Bokuto took that moment to look at Akaashi, who was leaning back in his chair, looking off into the distance, eyes blank. Seeing his friend, he got an idea. 

"But! But, Akaashi doesn't know anyone in Volleyball club! He can decide fairly." 

Slowly the two turned to the spaced out artist. A few moments of silence passed before Bokuto decided to speed up the process by waving his hand in front of the raven-haired teen's face. Snapping out of his thoughts, Akaashi jolted forward and focused his gaze on his best friend. 

A confused expression made it's way on his face. 

Bokuto rushed to explain. "We know a few of the people auditioning. But we want it to be fair, so would you be okay deciding between the last few people?" 

Pursing his lips, Akaashi nodded while maintaining eye contact between the other two. 

"Bokuto, tell him that we will wait outside, so he doesn't feel pressured to pick anyone specific." He added on, nudging Bokuto's arm as if to make a point. Rolling his eyes, the duel-haired teen relented. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Akaashi felt nervous, his hands were itching to draw. They felt as if feathers tickled the muscles and the skin was in the way of scratching it. 

His hands shook as he opened the door to let the others back in. He was anxiously awaiting them to look at the photos and be disappointed in who he picked out. He didn't like being put on the spot, yet he found himself unable to say no when he asked. 

Almost as soon as the door open, Bokuto had scrambled ungracefully off the floor and bounded towards him. A dopey grin was plastered on his face as he stood in front of Akaashi's shakey form. 

Kuroo had begun his slightly more graceful attempt at getting up from his seat on the floor and making his way over. 

Akaashi re-directed his gaze towards Bokuto, whose eyebrows had furrowed and lips pressed in a line. Almost faster than light itself, Akaashi found himself enveloped in a warm hug. The sheer size of Bokuto was enough to fully wrap around the teen like a blanket. 

Akaashi, stiffened before relaxing, resting his head on Bokuto's shoulder and loosely hugging back. His hands were still shaking, which was especially noticeable as they hugged. Bokuto began humming and rubbing soft circles in his upper back in an attempt to calm down his friend. 

While he couldn't hear the humming, the vibrations were very calming to Akaashi. 

Moments passed and Bokuto did not let go or stop rubbing his back. 

It wasn't until Akaashi took a deep breath and slightly pulled away, did Bokuto fully let go. Akaashi gave a watery smile and rubbed his tears eyes before signing. 

"Sorry, I was just--"He felt like his hands were stiff, not working like he needed them to. So he focused harder on signing through his shaking. "I didn't want to chose the wrong ones." 

I didn't want to upset you. 

Akaashi refused to look at either teen, as he rushed passed them and made hisbway to the bathroom, quickly signing he would be back in a minute. 

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