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From then on, Bokuto was invited over quite frequently, especially so when Akaashi was researching possible gigs for the band. And once again the duo remained inseparable. It helped that both families had also grown impossibly closer, where Akia, Yuto, and Isamu often went out to dinner together as well as had frequent movie nights. The trio had grown close friendships. 

Once again, Bokuto found himself in complete awe of how well Akaashi worked. And he felt increasingly useful helping out the artist come up with songs to register the band for singing. 

The only problem was that the band had still not decided on the name. As per the last meeting, Akaashi had informed the group before practice that they needed to confirm a name by the end of the next meeting. Bokuto had since reminded the group to think it over via text a few days later. 

And now, here he was. Sitting on the kitchen’s island of Akaashi’s house, watching the deaf teen use a spatula and pure determination to make a batch of cookies. The volleyball player felt a soft smile lift the corners of his lips as he watched the swift movements of his best friend. He was genuinely content watching the teen.

A few moments later, Akaashi turned around and faced Bokuto, holding the fully mixed batter out to the teen. A grin overtook the pianist’s face as he lifted the bag in his hand. The ripped open package was then leant forward as Bokuto poured in every single morsel of chocolate chips. Surprised, Akaashi let out a small gasp at the unexpected weight entering the bowl from the massive amounts of chocolate before laughing. 

Bokuto’s gin widened impossibly more as he heard the free, beautiful laughter bubbling up from Akaashi’s lips. His gaze softened at the slightly out of pitch, hiccup-y, giggle filled noise. And suddenly he felt his own laughter explode from him. 

Minutes later, the cookies were in the oven, cooking away. Bokuto was in charge of hearing the oven beep and taking out the baked goods. But until then, the duo would watch a television show together from their comfortable positions next to each other on the couch. Bokuto's hand running through Akaashi's curls in a sort of intimate manner.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“These cookies are delicious!”

“I didn’t know you could cook! These are great!”

“Yeah--you gotta cook more often!--”

“--I’ll taste test!!” Cried out Hinata. 

“Hey!” Bokuto gasped, pausing his translations to Akaashi in order to turn to his disciple and look flabbergasted. “You can’t take my job!” 

“Oh, I think yer gonna be just fine with sharing yer precious job.” Atsumu butted in, elbowing Bokuto in the ribs playfully. Bokuto gasped, entering a heated conversation about how it was his right to taste test everything Akaashi made since they were neighbors. 

Meanwhile, Osamu had snuck around the group to begin talking with Akaashi about the recipe. 

It was my grandmother’s.” Akaashi answered, writing down his words on his Notes app before showing his friend. Osamu nodded, looking thoughtful as their conversation continued. 

“EVERYBODY STOP!!” Bellowed a loud voice as the doors to the music studio burst open and a heaving Kuroo stepped through. His hair was slightly wet from either sweat or the slight rainy drizzle outside--probably both--and his clothes were wrinkled. Everyone had snapped their heads to the loud catastrophe he was partaking in. After a few moments of regulating his breathing, Kuroo stood up straight, confident in all his glory. With a blank face and string stance, he spoke firmly. “Have you all decided on a name for the band ye--oh! Food.” He cut off, eyes having landed on the platter of cookies laying on a small table near the check-out counter. He swiftly walked over a plucked two up into his hands, immediately biting into one. 

Laughter cut through the room. 

“Nah,” Atsumu said through his laughter. “We hav’n’t spoken about it yet.”

“Great--” Kuroo replied through a mouthful of cookies as he picked up the cookie platter in one arm and began walking away.

Kenma, starting a new battle on his DS, subconsciously followed his childhood friend to the practice room. Hinata bounded after him, followed by Bokuto and Atsumu. 

Akaashi turned back to Osamu, a soft smile on his face as he motioned for the twin counterpart to walk with him to the room. 

A small flash of emotion flickered across Osamu’s eyes as he brought up his hands. The world felt as if it was in slow motion, Akaashi stood stock still as if frozen in time. His breath caught in his throat with anticipation. Hopeful butterflies bubbled up in his chest, exploding when words came from his friend’s hands. 

You ready?” Osamu signed, a smile slowly lifting his lips as he watched Akaashi’s reaction. 

The deaf teen felt as if his world was swimming. Possibilities, at that moment, felt endless. Suddenly he felt less like a burden and more like a member of the band than ever before. Excitement thrummed through him as he found his heart feeling as if it was lifted of all burdens and doubts. And while the small slivers of overthinking would inevitably come back eventually, in that moment Akaashi felt as if meeting Bokuto and becoming the band’s manager was the best thing that had ever happened to him. 

Yeah.” Akaashi wistfully signed back, his hands firm and mind elsewhere as a smile lifted his features. Together Osamu and Akaashi walked to the practice room, excitement thrumming through the air at the aspect of naming the band. 

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