Looking Back...

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Hello guys it's me it's been a LOOOOONG  sincei last upload a chapter "So what have you been doing this time?" you ask well... nothing much i only read all over again some starco fanfics and rewatch Svtfoe series and boy we have a lot to discuss today. Consider this chapter an looking back to the show, starco fanfics and other stuff.

What was the point of this book? 

Well i started to write this book in September 2021 and i was in a Starco kick everything that i've seen in that time was starco, i pass almost the entire day seeing starco fanfics, my youtube was starco, everywhere was fucking starco and then i an normal day seeing svtfoe memes i saw some memes of Between Friends and i'm sure you know what comic i mean right....RIGHT? O So me an dumb tennager decided to make an between friends alternate story. Looking back to this comic now i regret doing this it is cringe like very cringe and thanks to my 10/10 english  this got even worse.

Why everyone hate Jackie??

One thing that is always bugs me why everyone hate Jackie? because she get in the  of Starco and everyone loves Starco and i say that's bullshit, seriously TELL ME ANOTHER REASON WHY YOU DON'T LIKE OR HATE JACKIE, and another thing that i always hate, in a lot os Starco fanfics Jackie is always a b*tch or a brat. why? Jackie in the series did nothing wrong in fact Marco was the one wrong here, because of that stupid cape he broke a normal reletionship with Jackie and right away moved to Mewni. Jackie for me is a good character that had potencial, but she did so little in the show and been writen out of the show made her an not so good character.

The Starco in the show

Okay i will try to not to be so agressive here so here we go... Starco was a cute ship it could work, it could be a thing IF THE WRITERS HAD FOCUS MORE ON THE STORY THAN THE SHIPS! seriously for some unexplained reason the writers decide to focus more in ship drama than the story and all of this made and Terrible develop ship and don't get me wrong i like Starco if it had real development it could be at least a good ship but no they decided to develop the ship when it's was already too late....

Looking Back...

Well...it's been more then  a and well... i will get this over now.

I totally regret doing this, i was a dumb 14 year old tennager that was in an Svtfoe kick and this book is cringe dude... And well... here we are...i rewatched the hole show and it was okay, but now i just want to rest from the hole Svtfoe fandom... this is the last time i will write something here.


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