Ch: 5

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"izuku honey?"

His mother stood by the doorframe, izuku was just laying there shutting his eyes closed faking his sleep. A sigh was heard before footsteps echoed through the halls. He peeked to ensure his mother returned to her room. Closing his door quietly so that his mother couldn't hear, he sobs. He sobs on the floor thinking why his father left or will he even come back. "Woah what happened to you?" A mysterious voice said, izuku looked up to see who it was, it was a boy floating in the air it was the boy from his dream! "I-its you!" "Yep, you bet"

"How did you get in my room?!" The little broccoli boi said, "hhmmm...should i answer that?. Nah. Lets let you figure it out you're smart right?" The boy with white hair says. Grey eyes piercing into green as if scanning him. Silence filled the room until the boy took of his hat and asked "hey, what's you quirk?" He asked curious. Izuku looked at the ground remembering what the doctor told him and why his father left as he still pondered if his father will come back "I-im..q-quirkless.." the greenette stuttered out. "Ohhhh, Does your friend know?" He asked putting his cap back in place, the younger just looked at him with wide eyes 'how does this stranger know about kacchan?, Are they friends?' thoughts he kept to himself. "Well? Does he know?" Same question repeated. "N-no.. he's on vacation right now..he- he'll be b-back tomorrow."

"So.. will you tell him then?"

" not sure....."

"Why not? You'll never know."

"Bu- but what if he leaves me? L-like my d-dad?!"

"Well you wont know till ya find out."


"OOP sorry bye! I ran out of time! But as i said! We will meet again!" And with that, the boy disappeared.


checking in on our sleeping broccoli lying down on the floor, inko feels guilty, and she felt that she needed to work harder for both of them. Determination filled her eyes as she gently shakes him awake "izuku honey time for breakfast" izuku's eyes flutter awake, as he stands up and goes to the bath room to brush his teeth as his mother prepares the table. While eating breakfast inko first breaks the silence "isn't katsuki-kun and aunty mitsuki coming home today izuku? Do you wanna greet them back?" She asked, izuku's eyes lifted up in happiness which were fast to fade as he remembered that he had to tell his best friend that he was quirkless. That they couldn't become the no. 1 hero team....she saw the look in his eyes..'maybe a change of subject will change the mood..' she thought to herself "hey izuku honey, you want some ice cream? Then right after why dont we visit auntie mitsuki and katsuki-kun?" She asked. "Sure!" He said changing the mood as fast as lightning.


Making their way to the bakugou household was a bit uncomfortable as the memory of last night was still lingering in their consciousness, however this uncomfortable silent atmosphere quickly dispersed as their destination was in view. As soon as they got there screaming can be heard screaming they were all to familiar with. It was no scream of terror nor fear it was the yelling of the one and only child and his mother; katsuki, bakugo and his mother mitsuki bakugou. Knocking can be heard and masaru bakugo, the father of the household warmly opened, "deku!" Katsuki shouted across the hall running to his best friend for a hug "how have you been?! It was great at the beach! You shouldve seen! We also went to the aquarium there were dolphins, a-and lots of fish even sharks! Can you believe it?!" He said excited to say all the different things they had done while on their vacation. "Thats great kacchan! I wish i couldve been there it sounds so fun!" Izuku exclaimed. Before izuku can react Bakugo takes his hand and pulls him to his room, "I have more pictures! Wanna see?!" He said happily "actually kacchan..." Our little broccoli said sadly. Needless to say bakugo did not expect this kind of reaction seeing it is rare for izuku to be sad..."hey. What wrong?" The baby pomeranian asked worried "kacchan...if...i cant be a hero...would you still be friends with me? I-if i cant-" bakugo cuts him off. "What are you saying? What do you even mean you cant be a hero?" He questioned "is it about your quirk?" His questions needing to be answered as he prepared for the worst. izuku just stood there silent before dealing the news to his best friend. "Kacchan....i-im- im quirkless!" He shouted tears swelling in his eyes as they threatened to fall katsuki just stood there flabbergasted....his bestfriend is quirkless...the word 'quirkless' repeating in his head.... "deku." He started, the greenette flipped his head up to look katsuki in the eyes.."i- i think you should give up being a hero." He said. Deku just stood there processing what the boy infront of him said, "i- i think its just too dangerous for you. You are already frail as you are. being quirkless just makes you even more delicate, You wont be any help." He said sternly izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing... katsuki bakugo his very best friend..discouraged him? I mean..he was expecting him to understand or whatever not discourage him of his dream....katsuki on the other hand was also hurting. Hurting of what he had said..he didn't mean it, he just wanted to protect izuku in the way he only knew at the time..both boys were now crying each in their little world..each sympathetic of the other. Either of them wanted this to happen......


"So...I couldn't be a hero..? that was what you told me right, kacchan? Well...even thought you told me that I still strived to be a hero that's saves others...yeah...a hero...that I believe you're words were 'im too fragile..that I'm so delicate that making me quirkless makes me even more frail?' heh...look at me now...I've got OFA, I go to UA now...AFO began a battle...remember that? Things didn't really go to what we planned huh? I was supposed to fight shigaraki but instead I got separated and fought other villains...and you...oh...foolish took my place to fight...almost all the heroes retired and didn't even want to be heroes anymore..only a small exception stayed so we were just half of the villains team...Why did you do that..? We're you so mad that you wanted to beat him to death? Did he trample on your precious pride? Come on...please....tell me......I don't want you to die.....please...." Is what Midoriya had said while his childhood best friend laid on the ground blood splattered everywhere, his face molten to an irrecognizable mess. His chest pierced ribs and various organs visible..heart..still beating....Hitching his last breath he said ""and with that bakugo katsuki shut his eyes as he fell into an eternal that he nor anyone can wake him up from leaving Deku  crying and begging for him to stay alive however he very much knows that those last words were truly his last."HAHAHHAHA YOUR FRIEND IS A FUCKING IDIOT! HE COULDNT JUST BACK DOWN! NOW BECAUSE OF THAT HES DEAD! THIS IS THE GREATEST OUTCOME OF IT ALL!! DONT YOU SE?! THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF THE STORY!" Shigaraki shouted taunting deku as he sets down his deceased friend..  No one wanted to believe that the most arrogant, self centered, spoiled, kid would give up his life to finish off the greatest villain in history..surely it was like him but no one wanted to believe it. Having the last push he needed izuku lunged toward shigaraki in his deformed shape, disgustingly enough fingers surrounded him enveloping both of them. Izuku's eyes were filled with rage while on the other hand shigaraki's eyes were filled with emotions never to clash as it would only lead to chaos. hate and excitement. Attacks were given by both the battle never seeming to end. At least that's what they thought. A bright toxic green light came from Midoriya, shigaraki was off guard of the sudden change in appearance of his opponent Midoriya took this as a chance and punched him square in the face and a bunch of other attacks came after, Midoriya made a kick to the side, as a distraction so he can sweep shigaraki off his feet, taking the advantage he advanced toward shigaraki powering up OFA and fajin to 100% he then kicked shigaraki in the stomach sending him flying. Shigaraki was surprised to say the least having he was only defending and not even having the time to do offense his other quirks suppressed by eraser head and monoma. feeling bruised and tired of midoriya's attacks he weakened significantly. "THIS. IS. THE. END.! SHIGARAKI TOMURA!" he shouted Midoriya gave the finishing blow a bright blinding light was emitted and shigaraki was no more.... No one celebrated as They all lost someone important. they were grieving monoma's quirk gave up having his time limit passed. shigaraki was also still alive, using the last of his energy and one of his given quirks he made spikes in the ground in the flash of a millisecond piercing Midoriya in his back killing him and shigaraki instantly..........

Word count: 1705

**Under Editing** The Vigilante Duo Dekiru And Dynamite: Our PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now