Present Part 2: The Tragedy

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When I woke up that morning, I had no idea that today would truly be the most terrifying day of my life. It was even more horrible than the day I cast the circle.

I woke up to the sound of Beth coughing loudly, sharply, and without stop. I jumped out of bed and saw that she was lying on the floor. I ran to her side and helped her sit up. Then I grabbed my phone and called 9-1-1 for an ambulance. After they put Beth in the back of the vehicle, I was about to leave to meet them at the hospital when a thought crossed my mind. Lucifer gave us this power, did that mean he could take it away too? What if he was slowly weaning Beth off her immortality to torture me?

I explained to the doctor that she was perfectly fine that night, but when she woke up she couldn't stop coughing. They told me that she most likely caught a really bad virus and will probably be alright in a week at the most. However, that was before she started coughing up blood two days later. It started in small amounts, and then they got larger. Until at last, her coughing stopped, and she finally was able to rest. Only, she looked very pale and weak. And I didn't notice her chest rising up and down to show that she was breathing.

Slowly I stood up and walked toward her bed, fearing the worst. I touched her neck checking for a pulse... and felt nothing. I ran out of the room and yelled for a nurse to come help me; unfortunately, there was nothing she could do. After she said that, I ran out of the room and headed for the hotel. But instead, I found myself walking all around Chicago; finally, I stopped at Grant Park. There was only one place I wanted to be right now, and that was the Underworld; if I took a look at Beth's scroll, it could tell me where she is now that she's dead. So I drew the symbol in the ground and waited for the door to open. Once I was through, I slowly made my way back to Lucifer's palace.

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