Future Part 8: The End?

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I walked into the ballroom of Lucifer's castle and saw two bodies lying on the floor. One of them was Maddie's, barely alive. The other was Lucifer's, dead. I ran toward Maddie, praying that she was alright, and felt her neck for a pulse. Though it was faint, it was there nonetheless, so I did my best to transport us both to the room in the castle where Lucifer brought me back to life. After that was complete, I used what little herbs and liquids I could find to heal Maddie's wounds and to wake her up. However, once she was healed she was still asleep; so I decided to try it the mortal way.

"Maddie, Maddie please wake up." At last she woke up, and she looked at me as if she hadn't seen me in decades, when it had only been a few months. However, the strangest part about her awakening was that she started calling me Elsabeth, when we had been calling each other by our modern names for almost a century. She wrapped her arms around me and started saying "Elsabeth, dear sister, thank the heavens that I am fortunate enough to see your shining face again." It was at that point that I pushed her away so I could see her face and asked, "Why are you calling me Elsabeth, and why are you talking like it's 1884?" She looked at me with a strange, confused looked and answered "What do you mean?" I quickly deduced that something must be wrong with her memories; otherwise she would remember how to speak with a modern tongue. I noticed one of Maddie's own spell books on one of the shelves and looked for something that would restore them, luckily the very spell was on page 17 and it was simple to perform.

I took my sister's head in my hands, closed my eyes, and recited the spell. Praeteritum ego dabo vobis. I had to repeat the incantation a few times in order for it to take full effect, however, in short, it worked and soon she was speaking like a normal, modern person. However, strangely, she also started crying; almost as if she were in pain. Then I remembered, she had been trapped down here for so long, she must be processing all of her old memories. I knew that Lucifer was evil, but what could he have possibly done to cause her so much torment? "Maddie, what happened down here, what did Lucifer do to you?" I said, although after seeing her reaction, I wasn't sure if I wanted to know.


After I explained what had happened, Beth was so shocked she couldn't move. I led her to one of the bedrooms that Lucifer and I hadn't slept in, and just let her lay down and rest. After I left the room, I realized how hungry I was and started walking towards the kitchen. Lucifer had it built when I "agreed" to stay here. I thought about what I could make and ended up conjuring some Chicken Parmesan from my favorite restaurant in San Francisco. I practically swallowed the thing whole because I was so hungry. When I started to clean up, I felt a strange sensation in my stomach, and then a second time. Suddenly, my palms got sweaty, I felt myself getting light-headed, and my heart started pounding.

I ran to the room where I left Beth, praying that she was well enough to help me figure out what was wrong. I got to the room and burst in, luckily Beth was okay and I hoped that she would put my fears to rest; but it was not to be. Instead, I shouted "Beth, I think something's happening to me.", though she was able to calm me down, she only confirmed what I had already guessed. She closed her eyes and placed her hands on my stomach, after a second or two I could feel her looking inside of me. Finally, after about a minute of probing, I could already tell by the expression on her face that my worst fears had come true.

I was pregnant.

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