Future Part 5: The Last Straw

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That morning when I woke up, I could have almost convinced myself that it was all just a bad dream, until I felt his arm laying across my torso. I gently moved his arm so I could escape without waking him. As soon as I stood up, I realized that I was completely naked except for the white lacy bra that I had put on before I came here. I shuddered to think of what happened last night. To keep my mind off of it, I scrambled around the room looking for my clothes; and I finally found them under the bed. I quickly got dressed, but made sure to stay quiet. Then, just as quietly, I snuck out of the room and started running.

I had been running around the castle for five minutes, until I finally came to the main entrance. I saw that one of the doors had been left open; so I took this opportunity and sprinted towards them. I was about to open the door when I heard something behind me move. I turned around only to see the large red curtains gently swaying across the window. I turned back around and jumped back in fear. He was standing in front of the door, blocking it; and he was giving me a smug grin looking as if he had won something. He has won, I thought sadly, He has won, and I have been beaten into submission.

However, I refused to let him think I believe that. So, I gave him a stern look and walked off, but I stopped when he said. "May I ask what you were doing Madeline?" he asked walking towards me. I turned and, with a sarcastic grin on my face I said, "No, you may not. Now if you don't mind, since I have no idea what sort of filth you made me do last night, I'm going to take a shower and try to forget that it ever happened." I started walking away again when I heard him say something that turned my muscles into water, "How does one forget what one cannot remember?" I froze there as I recognized the tone he was using; that's the voice he always used when he was about to make a deal, or even worse, when he just wanted to punish me for no reason. However, even though I was scared of what he might do next, I didn't let it show. Instead I asked, in a calm voice, "What do you mean, Lucifer?"

Ever so slowly, he sauntered over to me with that teasing grin. As my heart continued to race, he said in an almost playful tone, "I mean that last night I cast a certain spell so that you wouldn't remember anything. However, if you truly want something to complain about, I would be happy to oblige." He raised his fore-finger and thumb to my forehead and recited the reverse spell. Then suddenly, everything I should have remembered about last night came back in one fast, painful blur. All of the memories were so real; it was as if I was actually reliving them. I kept screaming in agony over the pain of his teeth puncturing my skin, everything he did just kept causing my pain; while he looked and sounded like he was enjoying every second. I wanted to fall onto my hands and knees, but I couldn't move because of the pull of the spell; so I just stood there sobbing and screaming.

Then, mercifully, he removed his fingers and the memories stopped flooding in. However, I didn't forget them; each memory kept replaying in my mind, over and over and over. I finally fell to the floor crying, feeling like I was ready to die. When I found the strength to talk again, I saw him standing over me with his hands behind his back. In a fit of rage I said, "You selfish bastard. I have tried to see the good in you for over 300 years, and each time I have failed." At this point I have gotten up and I'm slowly walking to him. "You've taken away my family, my dignity, and now my innocence. Well consider this a warning; as of last night, I'm not going to be your scared little bitch anymore. Instead, you're going to be begging me for mercy."

I started to walk away when he said, "Be careful, Madeline. Remember this is my kingdom, and I'm in control here. I am the Prince of Hell, and I rule this domain." Without thinking, I turned around with a smile on my face that said I'm not scared of you and slowly sauntered towards him. Once again without thinking, I said in a threatening tone, "Then get ready to be dethroned." Then I turned and walked away. However, before I got far, he shouted, "Is that a threat?" To which I responded, while still walking, "Nope, it's a promise." I don't know what he did next because I walked through the doors and closed them. Now all I had to do was figure out how to take down the Goddamn devil.

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