Chapter 10

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We were almost done of having a shower. I got the bathrobe and get out of the shower, completely in silence, trying to assimilate what he had told me before. We were both 24, pretty young in my opinion, although both had stable jobs I still thought it was early to have a kid.

I couldn't sleep that night. Tossing and turning all the time. Thinking and repeating the same words he had told me "Don't take those birth control pills". I needed to clear my mind.

On one hand, I was sure that he was the right person with whom I wanted to have children. Also it made me happy that he wanted and was sure about having a kid with me. And it meant no more period in the next 9 months. But on the other hand we hadn't have talked about it. Like never. Maybe because we had fear about failing as parents and there were also the nausea, dizziness and tiredness. Oh, and the mystery of how do I lose the 4 or 5 more kilos after the pregnancy.

Next morning I decided to take the birth control pill as I wasn't really sure about if I want it in that moment or not. I needed to over think. That wasn't like going to a store, grabbing clothes and then returned it because you didn't want it. The following nights I couldn't sleep neither and Ed realised about it because he turned on the night stand's light.

'What's wrong dear?' he asked me with a deep and sleepy voice, clearing his throat after that.

'I'm...I'm...I'm just over thinking about what you told me next day in the bathroom...'

'I know I've fucked it up, I shouldn't have told you about it, not yet.'

'But it's ok dear, it is what you want at the moment. It just caught me by surprise. What if we aren't good parents? What if after the pregnancy you don't want me anymore because I become a fat cow?' after me saying that, Ed roared with laugh.

'Don't worry about that silly stuff, I love you, even if you're become a mutant. I want you to be sure about it even if that means we have to wait  3 months or 5 years."

2 months later I got pregnant and I have to say that Acker is the best thing that has happened in my whole life.


Ed's POV.

Karlie: Could you come and pick Acker up?

This is weird. First of all it's not like Karlie sends me messages all the time and second, normally is my brother Matthew, who picks Acker up. Confused, I answer her message with a simple "Yes". Five minutes later I start the car and drive towards her place. As soon as I come in, she says "Hey babe" and hugs me, whispering in my ear: "My mother's here."

'Mrs. Lawson what a pleasure to have you here.'

''s been a while, they gave me a permission from the clinic. Karlie has told me that you're an workaholic now'

I sit in the couch next to Karlie who is speechless but as soon as I'm by her side, she takes my hand and our fingers are intertwined. After a few more minutes catching up with our lives, it's time for Mrs. Lawson to go back to the clinic. Two tall men with white coats are waiting for her in the car.

Right after she leaves, I go with Karlie to the kitchen and close the door so Acker, who's playing in the living room, can't hear us.

' I'm so-'

'What the fuck do you think are you doing Karlie?' I interrupt her. ' Do you think you can call me and play with me?'

'I'm sorry, okay? What did you want me to tell her? That I ended up being like her, cheated on and separated? You already know her problem! She's only coming here one time every six months. You will only have to do this twice at a year!'

'You are fucking sick if you think I'm going to do that.'

I leave the kitchen telling Acker that it's time to go. I take his bag, which is already on the hall, and put him on the child safety seat, driving after towards my place. When I get there, I let Acker watching cartoons on the TV and I go to my room, slamming the door, completely furious and take off my leather jacket, throwing it to the bed.

Karlie's POV

I know I've acted like a bitch. But I couldn't do anything else. Maybe this is the way to get away from him. This is what he wanted when he did that. He wanted to end with our relationship. To be honest I have no clue of what I want to do with my sentimental life right now. This wasn't supposed to happen, especially when he had sworn under oath his eternal love. He was supposed to love me.

Three weeks later.

Working four days per week in this hotel is consuming me. I barely have time to spend with my son but I really need money. Thanks God Candice came this afternoon to bring me something to eat for the break. She's quite busy with the wedding stuff although is in three months or so, they want every detail to be perfect. I still have to work till 23pm. Just a couple of hours and I will be free for the next three days.

I see a brunette girl entering the hotel. Wow, she's hot. She's wearing a black pencil skirt with a green blouse that matches her eyes' colour. 15cm of heels. Holy shit.

'Good afternoon Madame. May I help you?'

'Good afternoon. Is it possible to stay just for one night? I don't have any reservation.' She has a sweet tone. And a bunch of coats of make-up.

'Of course. Single or double room?'

'Double room.' She says with a playful smile. Seems like someone is going to have fun tonight.

'In that case, I will need both ID's please.'

'Okay, I'm just waiting for my boy-'

'Here you have it.' says a male voice cutting off the hottie girl. That male voice. Is when I look up when I see his face. Ed. His green eyes are already fixed on mine without believing what he's seeing.  


HELLO LOVELY PEOPLE <3 I'm sorry it took me too much time to update but it is finally here.

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