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Karlie's POV

Tom comes to pick me up from work and then we are going together to my place to change my clothes, going to and pick Acker up from Candice and finally we are going the three of us to have dinner. As soon as we get closer to my place I see a familiar white Audi Q7. It's from Ed. What is he doing here? I see him getting out from the car, with his clenched fists, coming towards us.

'What the fuck do you think you are doing with him? You are such a b-'

'Don't you even dare to finish that sentence, Sheeran.' Tom answered back Ed. His reaction is the worst thing he could ever have done. He smashes one of his fists on Tom's face, right just on his lip.

'Ed!!!! Stop it!!' I shout at him and despite Ed want to keep fighting, I decide to intervene and put myself in between, knowing that Ed wouldn't hurt me.

'Ed, stop it right now. You are acting like a fucking teenager.' I turn around to check that Tom is okay, he hasn't felt to the ground but his lip is considerably bleeding. 'Go and get into the house, Tom. I'll be there in a minute.' I give him the keys but he doesn't move from his place. ' Don't worry Tom, he's not going to hurt me.'

We both see how Tom gets into the house and before Ed starts talking, I take over the situation and start talking, doing my best to sound decisive.

' I'm going to tell you this just one time and please don't interrupt me. I hope this to be the last time you disrespect me. First of all I'm perfectly entitled to do whatever I want. We are not together so I can be with anyone. You can't reproach me to be with someone because you're in the same situation. I don't know if you still remember about your promise  but drinking and getting in fights with people isn't the right way.' He tries to reach my hand but I refuse it. 'I don't like this Ed.' Without him saying a word, I start walking towards my home.

When I get home, Tom is already on the couch with ice against his lips. I take some stuff to clean his lip and the dry blood of his mouth, sitting by his side.

'I'm sorry for all of this.' I say while cleaning the wound.

'Don't worry. It isn't your fault. Is he always like that?'

'Absolutely not. I would never have expected him to react like that. He never acted in that way. Never ever. I don't really know why is he acting like that.'

' Maybe he is frustrated because he wants you back. You both seem like a very strong connection. I don't know how to explain it.'

'Yeah...maybe...but he won't get it if he keeps acting like that. He knows that I totally hate the way my father acted with my mum and now he acts the same. I know what you mean and I can explain it to you. I didn't really have any father figure during the time as a teenager. The first time when I met Ed, he wasn't my type at all, but as soon as I started getting to know him, I saw in him someone that protected me.'

'So you found in him that kind of figure that you missed all the time as a teenager.'

'Yeah, kind of. Of course I didn't see him as a father, but as the male figure that was missing in my life. That's why we connected so quickly. I depended on him and I think he kind learned to depend on me as well.'

'May I ask what happened with your dad?' I realize this is the first time in a long time that I'm going to talk about this. Just Ed and Candice know the whole story.

'Are you sure you want to hear it? It's not the coolest story...'

'Only if you want to tell me. I don't want you to feel force to do it.'

'Just when I was 12 years old my dad abandoned us to live his life with a 23 years old girl. I believe they even have now a kid. He didn't tried to contact with me, he never called. When I started to live together with Ed, my mum saw herself like alone and  she sunk into a big depression, specially because all what happened with my dad and because she found out about the kid. She is now in a clinic. She must be supervised because she tried to kill herself a few times.'

'That's horrible...I am sorry...Does she know about what happened between Ed and you?'

'No. She still thinks that we are happy family and I think she's really happy because of that, so I will keep this white lie.'

'So you don't have any news about your father? Or do you know if he has ever tried to contact to you?'

'No, never. To be honest, I never cared about him because he was never with us. He never did what a dad is supposed to be, he never took me to the park, nor taught me how to tie the shoelaces, nor how to ride a bike. So I don't miss him.'

It feels weird but in some way good to open to another person apart from Ed or Candice. I know I can trust Tom. After checking Tom's wound we both go to pick Acker up from Candice and Matthew's place.

'Look mum. I draw this for the auntie!!' says my son just when we arrive.

'Wow. It looks beautiful!! Thank you Candice for taking care of him.' I hug her and she stares at Tom's lips. 'It's a long story, I'll tell you tomorrow.'

'Yeah, we have to meet tomorrow after work. I need to tell you something very important.'


Thank you guys for the almost 2K reads <3 Hope you like it. COMMENT AND VOTE. Specially with your opinion which is very important to me. <3

What do you think Candice will tell Karlie? :O

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