1. The beginning

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Tubbo was living in a little town in the ender kingdom. His fathers farm was not too far from the capital city so his father sent him to go and see what's happening in the capital.

Tubbo was right at the capitals gates looking up at the castle. He just starting to walk somewhere until he hears someone yelling

"You over there!!" a blonde boy yelled at the distance while running towards toby.

"Hello?" Toby answered in confusion

"You haven't been here before, Have you?" The boy asked and smiled

"No, I was here with my mother when I was little. I've never been here alone tought" Toby answered.

"I'm Tommy! Can I show you around?" The almost golden haired boy asked

"Sure! That would be nice." Toby says while Tommy grabbed his wrist and started to run.

Toby pov:

I almost stumbled to the ground while we ran but this 'Tommy' Kept me up. We arrived at some kind of bakery. A lovely scent came from inside. Tommy started jumping and led me inside.

"This is my dad's bakery! The Phil big boys bakery!" Tommy said in a funny tone.

"It is not actually called like that" A voice came from the kitchen.

A man with a hat and apron came out. He had golden blonde hair like Tommy and blue eyes. He looked quite old but not dead old.

"Who is this fella?" The man asked in a calm voice.

"I'm Toby" I answered.

"He has never been here alone before! I'm showing him around the town I came to show our house first of course!" Tommy started to ramble.

'This Tommy boy is quite energetic. Being friends with him wouldn't be bad' I thought while smiling at the father and son.

A Beautiful black'haired woman came from the kitchen as well. She had a matching apron and a purple dress on.

"Well hello! What brings you here little boy?" The woman asked

'Please do not call me little I am almost eighteen for fucks sake!'

"My dad sent me here. I have no idea why tho." I managed to ramble out.

"Wonderful! I'm Kristin by the way. And this is my husband Phil" She said

"WE WILL GO NOW THANK YOU MOM AND DAD" Tommy said quickly, grabbed my arm and ran outside.

"So sorry about them! They can be annoying, You know- Parents." Tommy explained and I just laughed at him

"Hey! What are you laughing!?" The golden boy said almost laughing himself.

"Sorry I just thought that was funny for some reason!" I laugh out.

"OOH! Let's go to my brother's bar! He lets me in even though I'm a minor!" Tommy said excitedly and began to run.

That's it for the first chapter! I'm sorry it is a short one but its 2am and i just had an idea for this book! (if any of my friends found this you dont know me. I'm a cringe little girl writing a silly story)

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