2. Meetup

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Tubbo pov:

When we arrived at Tommy's brother's bar we were tired from walking. The capital is a big place after all. The bar was quite cozy looking. Lanterns and seating places everywhere. His brother was really good at styling things.

"OH WILBUR" The blond one shouted.

A man with curly brown hair came out of the bar. He had a yellow sweater, hat and glasses. And he was carrying a guitar?

"Hi Toms. Who's that friend of yours?" He asked.

"Oh! This is Toby. He's visiting the capital. Toby, This is my brother Wilbur" Tommy said smiling.

"Nice to meet you Wilbur!" I said.

"What sent you here?" The curly haired boy asked calmly.

"My father just sent me here. Wants me to look for a job probably" I aswered.

"Did you know that the prince is looking for a bodyguard? You look quite buff" Wilbur said laughing.

"Oh? Well I have to think about it" I said.

"There's a little stand up that hill if you want to try" Wilbur said and pointed at the stall.

"Come on! Let's go then!!" Tommy said excited.

"You're not going" The older one said and snatched on Tommys sleeve.

I laughed and started to slowly walk to the stand. There were a lot of people there. I wondered if I even had a chance. I waited in the line for an eternity but once I got to the stall..

"Sorry kid but we already found a good bodyguard" One of the people working there said.

"aww man. well I better get going the-"

I got interrupted when everyone started screaming and shouting. I looked at what was going on and saw a bunch of people dressed in a black cape robbing the other shops and stalls and showing people away.

One of them flashed right past me and showed a man with a purple hooded cape.

"It's this one boys!" The intruder said.

It was the prince.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" I shouted and punched the man in black cape.

I took the prince and carried him to the nearby forest. I ran for a while but got to a safe place.

"I think we lost them" I said and put him down.

"Thank you so much!! How can I repay you?!" The prince asked

His skin was half black, half white, His eyes were red and green, He had beautiful curly hair and he was dressed in prince-like clothes.

"there's no need for that my majesty" I said politely and did a little bow

"Do you have a job??" The prince asked quickly.

"No? What about it?" I asked confused.

"Well I'm in need of a bodyguard. Would you want the job?" The prince asked.

I was shocked. The prince asked ME if I wanted to be his bodyguard.

"I would be honored! I just thought the job was already taken" I said, a little confused and happy at the same time.

"I can just tell the guards I got a better one. It's not big of a deal honestly." The prince said calmly.

"We should stay here for a bit. If those intruders are still there" It told the prince.

"I would like to know more about you if that's okay. You are gonna be spending a lot of time with me after all. Where are you from?"

The prince is really talking to me? wow. ME? out of all people.

"uhh Well I'm Toby, But you can call me Tubbo. I came from snowchester and uhm I like bees?" I rambled out.

The prince giggled and looked at me dead in the eyes.

"You have very beautiful eyes" He said and smiled.

I looked at him confused and was about to thank him but i got interrupted. again.

"Oh my god! Did I say that out loud?? I'm sorry. I mean it's true but! urghh" The prince hid his face and looked embarrassed.

"OH! It's fine! Your eyes are very pretty too!" I managed to say.

He looked at me and we had eye contact. I didn't mean it before I just kinda rambled it out but his eyes were really beautiful. The other one was green. It reminded me of forests, fields and leaves. All nature-y stuff. Meanwhile the other one was bright red and fire-y. I got lost.

"Uhmm? Toby? Tubboo?" I heard after I zoned out.

I quickly shook my head and looked at the prince confused.

"You were staring for a long time. I just- I thought you fell asleep or something. The prince told.

"Oh shit! I am so sorry I zoned out!" I panicked.

I felt a hand on my shoulder..

"It's alright! People stare at me a lot. I mean a LOT." He told and giggled.

I felt blood rush into my cheeks. Omg it's the prince Tubbo. NO. I told myself and shook my head.

"uhh I think we're safe to go now!" I said quickly and started walking.

The prince didn't take long to catch me. He's very tall.

"So uhm Tubbo." The prince said. I looked at him and hummed.

"Do you have a place to stay the night?" He asked.

"hmm.. I have to ask my friend Tommy if he has a place for me" I told the prince.

"The baker Tommy?" The prince asked happily

"Yea, I met him today when I came here." I told him and stopped walking.

The prince hummed and asked "What's wrong?"

I sushed him and listened more closely.

"Fuck you" I said loudly. The prince looked confused. 

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