12. The smile man..

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FUCK. I fixed the other chapter bc Billzo isnt okay with fanfiction so I made the knight Techno instead! If it's disrespectful I will change it again :)

Just to clear things up! Ranboo called one of his moms 'mom' and other 'mother' :))

Tw's: Death,swords

Ranboo pov:

I was in a room again.. This time it wasn't empty. There was trophies, table and a chair.

I started to look around but then a man appeared on the chair. He had a mask on. It was cracked and had a horrible smile painted on it.

"Well.. Do you remember me Ranboo?" The man asked while getting up.

"N- No who are you" I said as he walked towards me.

"You really don't remember?? What a shame.. I might have to show all of it to you all again.." He said.

"What do you mean?.." I asked scarily backing up.

"You remember your parents? And what happened to them.." The man aaid and disapeared.

"Don't you dare talk about them!" I yelled.

"What a shame really.. If I cant talk about them.. I'll show them instead!" A voice said while a laugh echoed trought the room.

I was in a dark room again.

My mom appeared in front of me..

"Mom?.. I- Is it really you?!" I asked panicking.

She didn't answer..

I stood there scared. I saw a red flash coming from behind me.

"Ranboo?.." I heard.

I turned around and saw my mother..

She was standing there shocked.

"Mo-" I was asking as a sword slash could be heard.

The sword I heard had slashed trough my mother- I couldn't move. Only cry..

"Mother I-" I could stutter out.

"I love you Ranboo" She said and..


I was back in the room I was a while ago..

I collapsed on the floor and just cried. It felt like hours.. hours of crying..

"Awhh.. poor king.." I heard

I raised my head to see the man again..

"Why? Why would you show me that?.." I said and got up..

The man approached.

I backed away.

"Don't. I'm not doing anything to you.. I just- Want to talk.." He said suspiciosly. (Sus)

He walked behind me..

"You know.. My men were the ones that killed your parents.." He said.

"Your men?.." I repeated.

"Yes.. My- Assasins.. If I could say that." He continued.

"Why?.. My parents did nothing to you!" I yelled at the strange man.

"... I'll talk to you again tomorow.. You are too.. stressdd right now.." He said.

And I woke up..

Toby was still there.. He didn't wake up.

I tried to get up and get some fresh air. Pair of arms were pulling me down though..

"Don't go.." He muttered.

"I just wanted to get some fresh air.." I said and laid back down.

"Why.." Toby muttered and his eyes fluttered open.

"I saw another nightmare again.." I said.

I felt that Toby got up.

"Again? You've veen getting then quite a lot lately.. I'm worried.." He said and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm fine.. There was a strange man this time." I said and saw Toby nod.

"He told that his men were the ones that killed my parents.." I continued.

"What did he look like?" Toby asked and pulled away slightly.

"He had a mask on so I couldnt see" I told.

"That bitch!.." Toby shouted.

"Who? Do you know him?!" I asked.

"I'll go look for hin tomorow ok?" He said and laid back down.

I laid with him and his arms were around me again. I just stared at him.. Slowly I fell asleep..

Sorry that there's so much sleeping lol

I didn't see a nightmare this time. Toby was also gone when I woke up. I changed and went to the door. Before I opened it I saw Techno barge in?

"WHOA- Oh your awake" He said and backed up a bit.

"Yes? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Toby told me about your nightmares so I came to check up on you" He said.

"Ohh- Well I'm fine." I said and walked past him in to the hallway.

I walked for a while and saw Crumb!

"Goodmorning sir! Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Morning! I saw a nightmare again but other than that yea!" I said and walked up to her.

"Awh.. remember that you can always talk to me!" She said and patted my shoulder.

"Thank you!" I said and she walked away.

I started to walk away when Techno was there again..

"Wha- I said I'm fine!" I said and stormed off.

"I'm worried about you! Stop being a jerk!" He said and followed me.

"I'm being a jerk if someone who just met me starts to worry about me so much!" I said and stopped.

"You are the king after all! Everyone is worried about you if something happens!" He said and grabbed my shoulders.

"What's going to happen if I see a nightma-" Then I remembered what Toby said at night.

"Where's Toby?!" I said and shrugged him off.

"He went to see him.." he said.

"Who?!" I almost yelled.

"The guy who killed your parents!" Techno said and shut his mouth immidiately.

"Wh- We have to go get him! He could get hurt!" I started panicking.

"No! We are not going." Techno said.

"We hav-" I managed to say until I got interrupted.

"I will. You are not going anywhere" He said and started walking.

"I- I'll get you fired for not listening to the king" I said smirking.

"Argh! Okay come on then!" He said and went to get ready.

We got ready and Techno was getting the horses ready when I hear Crumbs voice.

"Be careful sir!" She said and came to hug me.

"You know my name! Don't call me sir" I said and hugged her back.

Techno got the horses ready and we left. I had no idea where we were going but who cares? Gonna go to meet the guy who killed my parents I guess!

It's literally 2am I am not gonna read this and fix the typos now so there can be some. Goodnight/day :))

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