Dead Inside & Out

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I was still crying at the park. I don't know what time it is, but the sun is rising. The memories of The night replayed in my head which made me cry harder.

I can see the lust in "his" eyes which scared me even more. "Come here sweetheart" he said with a evil smirk.

I opened the door again about to run out when he pulled me down by my ankles. I fell with a hard thud. I felt a the agonizing pain in my ribs returning. I groaned in pain. He was dragging me to his room I thrashed in his hold as best as I could. "please leave me alone" I begged. It was weird talking when I didn't talk in so long, but it felt good even though my voice was quite.

"shut up you bitch!" He replied then slapped me across the face. He was to drunk to realize I talked. I can already feel the bruise forming. He harshly kissed me and I was trying to push him back the sickening taste of alcohol on my lips I was beyond disgusted. Next he was trying to rip my shirt open, literally rip it!

He ripped a bit of it leaving scratches all over my body, but then I thought I should bring me boxing skills to use. I know I hate violence but this is a emergency. I put all my power and emotions into this right hook and punched him.

He stumbled back then fell unconscious. I spit on him and wiped my lips before trying my best to run out of the house. I ran to a small child's park that I always go to relax or be alone.

I was still crying. Good thing no one ever comes here it's like my secret place. It's pretty old so it looks haunted right now but anything is better then my house at the moment. I was sobbing so hard I guess I didn't here the person behind me. They pocked my shoulder which made me startled and jump. I thought it was Steven at first, so my eyes widened in fear. But when I turned around it was Harry. his eyes widened probably because of how bad I look. I know I have a huge bruise on my face. my arms were all Covered in scratches, along with my stomach, and a couple on my face. My eyes were probably swollen and red and my nose was stuffed. My shirt was ripped up, and my hair is a mess.

He just stood there looking at me, I was expecting him to say something like 'ew you look so fucking ugly' but he didn't he didn't do anyone he just looked at me. I felt uncomfortable under his stare. "What" I snapped but immediately regretted it. I remembered I wasn't suppose to talk to anyone after that. I flinched expecting him to hit me but he didn't he just stood there. His eyebrow furrowed together, and his lips pressed in a thin line.

"I always wondered what you sounded like, and why you never talked, but now that you talked you can really tell how delicate and broken you are just by your voice"

I sat there my mouth lightly like falling open in shock, I was not expecting that.

"Who did this to you?" He asked after that.

"Why would you care? Not that you do and it's none of your business." I reply immediately covering my mouth after that, I just can't shut up.

"Fine, don't tell me be a bitch." He said angered giving me a harsh glare. He crossed his arms in annoyance wrinkling his black tee.

"Oh so now I'm the bitch! You bully me every single day with your asshole friends for no reason. You call me ugly, whore, slut and so much more, when in reality your the one who hangs out with sluts eating there face caked with makeup! YOU GUYS ASSUME I HAVE A GREAT LIFE! WELL GUESS WHAT HARRY I DONT! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HALF THE SHIT THAT GOES ON IN MY LIFE! I ALREADY LIVE IN A HELL CALLED MY HOME AND SCHOOL WAS MY ESCAPE FROM IT! BUT THANKS TO YOU GUYS SCHOOL IS HELL FOR ME TO NOW! YOU GUYS RUINED MY LIFE YOU GUYS MADE ME WANT TO KILL MYSELF! EVERYTHING IS YOUR GUYS' AND MY DA-" I stopped from my rant before I could say dad and he finds out. I always held everything in and it just bubbled up and now I exploded. I could feel my cheeks turning hot from anger.

"And whose fault Ella?" Harry asks about the last part confusion taking over his anger gaze.

I just shake my head tears already falling down my face "I'm done with life" I say so quietly I barley heard myself.

"What?" Harry asks. I didn't say anything back to him though. I just walked the other direction.

I guess life goes in all directions some good and some bad. In my case bad though. I should've known life goes in all directions not just in one direction.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. and in the next chapter there might be some Harry povs;)

Bye the way Steve is Ella's dad and did you guys get the pun ;)

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