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Harry's pov

It's been around an hour and Ella still hasn't come out of the washroom. I know girls take long showers but it's been about 15 minutes since I heard the water stop running. I'm starting to get worried and dont know whether I should go in to check in her or not.

I decided I should check on her. I go to the washroom and knock a couple times.

"Ella?" I ask, hoping she would reply.

Once I didn't get a reply I started getting even more worried and knocked a few more times. I opened the door and I couldn't Believe what I saw in front of me.

There Ella was, back against the wall and kind of slouching looking extremely pale, but also there was a pool of blood coming from her. She was in a towel to and it was on her slim figure pretty loosely.

I rush beside her and grab her wrist to check for a pulse and I felt my eyes go wide at the sight. She cut her wrist I couldn't tell how many times but it's probably I lot since it was all covered in blood. I can't believe she did that.

I go to the cabinet under the sink and take out the first aid kit. I first clean up her cuts. Bye the time I was finished cleaning them up I noticed there was only three cuts. I didn't know how she managed to bleed so much with three cuts but she did, the cuts were pretty deep though. I was afraid she might need stitches and she was still bleeding. I then wrap her wrists up with a bandage. I hope the bleeding stops soon. I carefully pick her up not wanting to reveal her since the towel she has on is very loose on her body.

I put her on the couch and grab a blanket from the closet to cover her with it since I couldn't change her. I don't know what to do now, in most movies I watch when A person donates blood or looses blood, they give that person a juice and cookie.

I look through the the cabinets and am so happy when I see a box of cookies. I also get a glass of juice, grab two cookies from the box and walk back towards her.

She's still unconscious so I shake her bit but she still doesn't wake up. I would Google how to wake up unconscious people but there's no internet connection here. I think of movies again and remember that they splash water on the persons face to get them to wake up. I grab a water bottle from the fridge and go back to the living room.

I only put a couple drops on her face but she didn't wake up so I started spilling more water on her. By now the pillow she was on is soaked so a go to the closet to get her a new pillow.

While I'm coming back I see her slightly moving. I feel excited. I rush towards her and gently hold her head with one hand and change the pillows with the other.

She stirs around a bit more then opens her eyes slightly but then quickly shuts them again. She groans a bit and I'm guessing it's because of the light. I quickly go to the light switches and turn the living room light off and the kitchen one on so we could still have some light.

I walk towards her again.

"You okay?" I ask softly.

Who the fuck am I kidding, does she look okay Harry? Stupid.

She points at her temples and I'm assuming she had a headache.

"You lost a lot of blood so drink this juice and eat these cookies. When I come back I want them done." I say sternly but give her a small smile after.

I go back in the washroom and I feel like I'm going to puke. There's so much blood on the floor, and all from a small fragile girl. I shake my head thinking about why she probably did this. I bet it's all my fucking fault for being a huge ass while being drunk. I get a cloth and wipe up her blood, then rinse it and wipe up some more, and I repeat this till the floor is spotless again.

I return back to the living room and Ella's plate still has half a cookie left, and she was drinking up the last of her juice.

"You have to finish your cookie." I tell her.

She pouts and makes her eyes go bigger and she looks so fucking adorable.

"Fine." I huff mad at myself for caving in.

She slightly smiled but not much.

After some silence I ask the question that's been bugging me.

"Why?" I ask quietly.

I knew she knew what I was talking about.

She looked down and didn't say anything or make any movements.

"Why?" I repeat.

She looked at me in the eyes. She looked so broken. Her eyes were glossy and and her bottom lip was trembling.

Again Harry, you are so stupid.

Her life is a fucking mess. Her own father is after her, her own fucking father. She got bullied by me, the other boys and almost the whole school. She got whipped by her own father and almost got raped twice.

"Never mind I can think of a few reasons." I say.

I feel like she needs a hug right now so that's what I do, I hug her.

Ella's pov.

I felt my eyes go watery when Harry asked that.


Such a simple questions, yet so many different answers.

I didn't know what to say so I just look at him. He looks back at me but then looses focus and is in his own world. I can tell he's clearly thinking. He looks kind of mad though.

"Never Mind I can think of a few reasons why." he replied.

He then did something I defiantly was not expecting.

He hugged me.

He hugged me gently but securely, it's weird I actually feel safe. In my old bullies arm.
I don't know why I'm kind of forgot I was mad at Harry. I mean he did kind of save me twice. I slowed wrap my arms back around him.

We pulled away and he started moving a bit uncomfortably.

"Um I-I was wondering if y-you forgive me?" He stutters.

Ladies and gentlemen Harry styles just stuttered.

I feel a small smile on my face.

"So..." He trails off waiting for me to answer.

I nod.

"Thank you so much I promise I'm not going to be a idiot again." he told me with a big smile.

In that moment I felt like everything was going to get better and all my troubles will all fade along with my scars, but boy was I wrong.

Sorry boring chapter but I wanted to fill you guys in a bit more, bye the way in going o vacation so I won't be able to update for a bit but tomorrow I'm going to update as much as possible so yeah thank you for reading please vote and comment if you like it love All of you. :)

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