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Harry's pov

It's been a week since the best day of my life. I've never had that much fun in so long it was amazing. Never in a million years would I think I would have that much fun with Ella. She doesn't talk to me as much anymore after that day. Yes, she did tell me she wouldn't but it's like she rarely talks. Only words like 'yes' 'no' 'sure'. Small words like that. I'm lucky if she speaks one sentence in a week. I'm still grateful she talks to me though. She could've not talked to me at all but she is which is a good thing. I think I'm gaining her trust again. She's so different and so is her life story. I can seriously write a whole series about her life. There's never a action less moment. She's really starting to capture my attention. She used to get my attention back at school to, but not in a good way. Now she gets my attention in a good way. She's just so different compared to other girls. She doesn't like attention, she doesn't wear lots of makeup or short dresses for attention. She's naturally beautiful. She does look really hot when she's all dressed up and has makeup on, but my favourite look on her is when she's in baggy sweatpants and a big t-shirt. Basically I find her extremely cute and adorable when she dressed in lazy clothes.

Most of her secrets are out now. But she still has a secret out there, I know she does. She's so fragile yet so strong at the same time. She's really a hero in my eyes. She went through so much shit but she's still here. Yes she tried to commit suicide more then once but if I went through what she did I probably would to.

Her eyes also say so much or nothing at all. Sometimes her eyes show how much pain she's in and shows how strong she's trying to be or it shows no emotion what so ever. You can tell what mood she's in by the way her eyes change colour though. I find that so cool. Her eyes are so beautiful just like her.

What the fuck, no she's not Harry. Yeah she's attractive but she's not beautiful. The only beautiful girl you know is Anastasia.


She was so beautiful but that didn't get my attention, her personality did. She was so shy and timid. I didn't even know she went to the same school as me for the past seven years.

Used, used to go to the same school as me.

I never even noticed her till we were signed up to be partners for a school project.

"Hi, I'm Harry." I introduce my self to the girl I never even knew attend our school.

"A-Anastasia." She stuttered and made no eye contact with me.

"Why so shy?" I ask her pulling out a chair beside her and i sit on it.

"Sorry." She said still not making any eye contact with me. At least she didn't stutter this time.

"Look at me." I say a little harsher then I intended to.

"Please d-don't hu-r-rt me." She said cowering away in fear?

"Why would I do that?" I ask her softly the classes noise now fading in the background.

"Everyone else d-does so why wouldn't y-you?" She asks still looking down.

"What do you mean everyone else does?" I ask her another question.

"I'm s-sorry I do-"

She got cut off by the bell and she quickly ran out of the class. I run after her wanting to hear the rest of her sentence when I see a group of guys approaching her. She was trying to go through them to get to her locker but they pushed her to the ground. By now everyone was in there classes and we're late.

"Looks like you're late. Stupid bitch don't see how anyone can like a ugly loser like you. The only reason someone would want you is because of the own needs. Like sex or some shit but you wouldn't know."

He then grabbed her by her hair and pulled her up. He was about to hit her again but I inerfered this time.

"Leave the girl alone." I tell them firmly pulling Anastasia towards me.

"Aww look she had a boyfriend." Cooed the leader which is chad in a fake baby voice.

"Let's go Anastasia." I tell her already grabbing her hand and pulling her in the same direction as me.

Once we were far enough from them she pulled her hand out of my grip.

"You didn't have to do that." She said quietly still not looking at me in the eyes.

"Look at me." I basically order her.

It takes a little time but she does. I couldn't even form words when I saw her face.

Her eyelashes were soaked with the tears streaming down her face. Her cheeks were flushed a light pink and so was her nose from crying. Her eyes were such a dark blue they looked almost purple. She had freckles across her cheeks and nose. Hey eyebrows were thick but beautiful. She had long dark brown lashes and a small nose. Her lips were in the shape of heart kind of like mine but hers were a lot more beautiful.

"Wow." Was the only word that manages to come out of my mouth because of her beauty.

She was so beautiful. I never thought anyone else was beautiful after her. Yeah I thought they were pretty, sexy, or hot but never beautiful. Until Ella came along.

It's been a year since she died. I still feel like shit. Im walking down the hall to Maths right not when I bump into a

She doesn't say anything but just looks at the ground.

Just like she used to do.

I felt myself go angry at the thought of anyone being like my Anastasia.

"What the fuck! You bump into me and don't even apologize." I tell her angrily.

She doesn't say anything but she looks at me. Her eyes slowly change into a grey colour. What the fuck, this girl is not human. When I look into her eyes I see the same look my girl had, fear.

I don't want to see the girl anymore since she reminded me to much of her, so I start walking to my Maths class but she walked faster so she was in front of me.

"No fucking way." I say to myself when I see her enter my Maths class.

She sat at the back of the class and kept on zoning out. Her eyes would go glassy at some point like she was going to cry but she would quickly go emotionless again.

She was always quite to I didn't even notice her. I didn't notice this bitch ever to.

This girl even had dimples like her.

The thought of anyone else being like my Anastasia angered me and I immediately  felt hate towards this girl.

Once the bell ranged I followed her till the halls were not crowded and then I pushed her to the ground. She didn't even look like she was in pain. she only looked like she was in shock.

I then kick her stomach and that's when her torture begins.

I only thought two girls were beautiful in my entire life. Not including my mum or sister, and those two girls are Anastasia and Ella.

A little bit more of Harry's past withe Ella and Anastasia hope you guys liked it I love all you and thanks for reading also if any of you are going through hard times or anything like that don't be afraid to message me I'm always here for you guys or if your just bored I'm always here i love all of you:) <3

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