She talks

170 19 12

Harry pov

I don't even notice someone came beside me till I feel a warm hand on my shoulder.

I turn my head and see Ella giving me a sad smile.

"Go away Ella." I mutter quietly.

I actually want her to stay but I hate when people see me cry and it's not like she can say anything.


I freeze, I actually freeze.

She talked, she seriously talked.

Her voice was quite but strong. I defiantly did not expect her to talk.

"You, you talked." I say surprised.

She nods.

Shit I hope she keeps talking.

"How were you so strong through everything? Look at me I'm a mess. You had to live with for I don't know how long. How?" I ask her hoping she will reply.

"I don't know Harry to be honest. I hated being weak even though I knew I was. I had to go through lots of things in my life so that was like another bump on the road that's my life. I get that you're angry, disappointed, maybe even sad but it's going to get better. If it doesn't then just remember everything happens for a reason. Maybe there was a reason why it keeps getting worse and not better. You shouldn't think about it to much though Harry. Just be happy that he doesn't care about you. You're probably thinking why should I be happy about that. I'm going to tell you. I'm guessing you're not close with your dad anymore but the way you reacted when Louis said his name, but that's good. You don't have to be involved with him. If he still was with you guys your lives could've needed up like mine, maybe even worse. My dads a gang leader to as you know. You also know some of the Stuff I had to go through because of him. Your dads a gang leader to do he's probably like my dad, and I'm sorry to say that but I always tell the truth Harry so that's what I'm going to do now to. Be happy he's not beside you and your family because he would've hurt you guys one way or another, I'm positive about that. I don't want anyone in the entire world to have to go through what I'm going through because it really is terrible. So instead of being mad and everything which of course you can be because I would be to, be a little grateful. And I know we didn't really get along well and everything, but I'm here no matter what." she tells me with a soft smile at the end.

I'm still absorbing everything she said. She sounded like she actually cared, and the way she said my name sounded so nice. Her voice is so soft and gentle, also quite.

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her in for a tight hug. She hugs me back.

"Thank you." I whisper int her ear.

"Anytime." she whispers back.

Short again and I'm sorry I don't know when will be then next time I can update since there terrible internet connection here sorry love you guys :)

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