"J-just remember, I l-love y-you" /Malkin

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Short and with a Sad ending

Jack ripper pov.

"you're finally gonna die Malkin!" Master Gregory shouted and aimed his scepter at her. My eyes wide open and my heart beating so fast that I'm afraid everyone could hear it.

"I will not allow that to happen!" I amlost screamed and throw a knife in his direction. He dodged it and the knife flew behind him. Anger built up in my veins and I run towards the master. Malkin, my love, walked meanwhile back in the palace. I furrowed my eyes and shook my head.

"Oh, look who we got here, a weak, useless fighter" she spat at me and I clenched my jaw.

"I am not weak!" I growled and turned into my wolf. My hands turned into claws and I felt my height grew. After the transition I fleshed my fangs and started to fight against him and his pathetic boy.

The fight was rough, hurtful and bloody. I noticed I should change into my fighter position again. My wolf got too much damage at once. Where's Malkin? I might need her now. I thought.

"Ourgh, give up! You're a terrible fighter" Gregory growled and pulled out his sword. I widened my eyes and I swear to mother darkness I can't stand this anymore. Im probably weak.

"and you're a good one huh?" I chuckled and got slightly nervous.

I felt something warm run down my leg, I looked down for a second and saw blood. A big cut, I hissed and looked up again. Bad move. Gregory wanted to stab me in the chest and right before he could do that, I switched to the side. He stumbled and didn't knew this could have happened. A rough laugh escaped my throat.

"Don't you dare stab me to death" I spoke coldly. He smirked and coughed to cover his upcoming laugh.

My anger grow higher and higher. I throw a punch and didn't stop even he let his scepter cut through my skin. I just hissed and punched again. Blood run down my arms and they're starting to hurt like hell, they won't do more than pathetic punches.

"just up already," he spat annoyed. I rolled my eyes and "not till I'm dead" spat back.

Suddenly my love came back out and rushed down to kill him and his boy.

After she cut the boy's throat so easily I huffed pissed. "Really?" I growled. She smirked and stabbed master Gregory from behind. He coughs blood and looked so empty. A shiver ran down my spine.

I turned to Malkin to confess why she didn't killed them before. She just smirked brighter and leaned in to give me a kiss. I smiled while I rolled my eyes playfully. After our lips were connected I felt my heart hurting. I looked down and saw a scepter.

I fell on my knees, slowly turning my head to this fucker. His body now goes limp and his eyes stared into mine. I showed him my middle finger and looked back to my love.

"Oh my love" I coughed "J-just remember, I l-love y-you" I mumbled before I fell into a deep, black whole.

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